Not quite sure if anyone ...
on 9/26/04 9:27 am - Pensacola, FL
on 9/26/04 9:27 am - Pensacola, FL
Not quite sure if anyone remembers the hula hupping, smoke signal sending, peanut butter pickle eating lady, lol BUTTT............
For those that do I am doing great... I've been way busy with the kids, the hurricanes and life in general... You might remember me as the one who got in a wreck on her way home from the hospital after having surgery...I have the worse luck with auto mobiles...adding to that some wacko decided to throw his vehicle in reverse at a traffic light on monday adn total my car, but my son and I were ok thank goodness..
never the less..I feel terrible for not posting more on here... I miss everyone sooo much... I couldn't have gotten through most of my surgery hurdles with out you all.. Well stats as of 5 months post op...Most importantly... I AM HEALTHIER THAN I HAVE EVER BEEN!!!!!
My beggining weight was 357, I was in a size 32 clothes, size 10 shoes, and I was miserable health wise, and was told that if I did nothing I would not be here within a years time.... Today I am 247 pounds -110 so far wearing a size 16/18 depending where I buy them... Ive lost a shoe size, and a total of 88 total body inches... Still trying to figure out how to update my pictures on my profile... I could never have begun to imagine the difference in the quality of life I now lead compared to before... Its phenominal!!!! I have a gazillion pictures if anyone would like to see feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will send you some before and after pictures
Miss and love Ya...
"The Ever Shrinking Woman"
on 9/26/04 9:45 am - Pensacola, FL
on 9/26/04 9:45 am - Pensacola, FL
Thank you so much for replying to my post I just spent the last few minutes reading your profile, and my dear you are an amazing individual.. You have been through it haven't you. You are truely an inspiration... I had a heart attack last year and that alone was terrifying... I luckily have had no seriosu complications.. Before I went into surgery I had a reaction to the relaxing meds they gave me and it was really hot in the pre op room and I passed out come to find out for some weird reason my bloodpressure all of a sudden plumeted and they had to give me a shot of attripine t get my heart going right again... You are definitely heare for a special reason... My youngest twin has had numerous surgeries including a nissen which got infected so he had to have an open wound from sternum to belly button for a good while... he also had to have a g tube which at first terrified me... Good Luck with everything...
Best Wishes
I have been wondering about you. You are doing great!! 110 lbs in 5 months! Whew, that is great!!!! Please post and keep us all encouraged...I still don't have an official date, but have an unofficial one that I have asked for! Now, if my psycho went great, I will be in business! How's Andre? All your boys? Keep in touch, girlie, we've missed you!!!!
Smoochies & Hugs
aka The Queen

Hiya Karen,
glad to see you back on the board, hope you stick around with us now. I know that whole hurricane stuff majorly sux.. just did all that evacuation joy two weeks ago myself and just now fully unpacked and got everything in the house back to normal. We all had a really good chat on Yahoo last night, maybe next time you can join us
See ya around!!