Well, you know the Queen
and she has found herself yet another man!!! Dr. James Gilbert in Meridian did my psycho eval last night. He has all my favorite hair, bald, and facial hair! Very kind, soft spoken gentleman. Stole my heart when he met me at my truck with his little guy with an ear ache. Further stole it, when I was taking my tests and he excused himself to go give the wifey a break with the child - he was crying off and on with his ear ( the babe, not Dr. G).
He will have me evaluated by Friday at the latest. And I will be set. He called Kristy (Dr. B's nurse) prior to my visit and I only had to take 2 tests!! One though was over 500 questions - it's the one that if you aren't crazy when you start you will be when you finish!!! He has an office in the basement of his home, just off North Hills Street. And gang, guess what??? His fee was $100. Yep, you heard that right!!! In Jackson (not thru UMC) the going rate is $240 - $280. So if you need a good psycho tester, lemme know. I'll provide you with address, directions and phone number. Kristi Ethridge can also - she's who told me...
PS Dr Gilbert told me that it didn't matter if (IF!!!) I was crazy, what mattered was if the craziness was something that precluded me from having surgery!!!!

It sure is a good thing that he said it didnt matter if you were crazy.....cause you ARE. I bet you hated that test. I know I did. My pre-cert nurse sent me copies of all my stuff (even drs notes-which she wasnt supposed to).... my shrink said things about me that made me wanna spit fire. The notes are at home but I am gonna get them and tell yall what she wrote.
I am so glad you had a good expierience with your psycho doc!! What all do you have left to do?
All I have left is SURGERY!!!! I told them at the meeting Tuesday night for UMC support, that my date was gonna be Dec 20, if I had to hogtie and drag Kristy and Dr Blake into the OR. Kristy came up to me afterwards and whispered, "I really do have you down on dec 20." So I am not official, official, but I am going to have it then...I should hear by Monday or so...
PS It takes a crazy to know a crazy!!!!!
Didnt I tell you that I thought you would be a Christmas surgery??
OH MY GAWD! That is fantastic. Are ya getting excited?? I am so excited for ya!
What good news.
I'm "Officially" having my abdominal reconstruction
Done on Dec. 6th!!!!!
I'll be rooting for you for Christmas.
On my Psych Eval., he only talked to me and asked
Questions. No test at all, and my insurance covered it
and it was only $85. Your having to fight
Uphill both ways in the snow to get approved.
Can't wait to see that-
"I've Got A Date!!!!!"
Post, with your name on it.
Best Wishes-