I'm baaaaack and I'm alive! lol
Hey Everybody!
I'm back and feeling soooooo much better. It's amazing what a difference a week can make, lol.
I just read all the posts that I had been missing while I was gone and I so appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and support! Ya'll are a great bunch folks.
I have to admit that the first few days in the hospital were pretty dang rough! I even questioned my decision a few times, but I don't now. I think that I am just one of those people that anethesia affects in a pretty negative way. I was extremely nauseous the first three days and didn't even want to talk to anybody. That first night was a doosie! I kept telling the nurses that my doc wanted me up and walking the first night but nobody would come walk me and my mom couldn't b/c of all the stuff I was attached to. That night I ran out of my morphine pump (OH NO) and it took 2 AND A HALF HOURS to get more pain meds. To top it all off, my "monthly friend" came to see me at the hospital (I didn't think I told her where I was going to be, lol). She had just visited me two weeks prior, but the nurse said it was normal after the trauma of major surgery, shucks!! I was supposed to come home on Wednesday, but was still so nauseous, and my blood pressure and heart rate were up so high that they kept me until Thursday. I was really depressed when I learned that I had to stay an extra night, but God knew what he was doing b/c the weather at my house was horrible that night. I had to come home with this dreadful drain hanging out of me and I have to empty it and record daily. I go back to see the doctor tomorrow morning in Jackson and HOPEFULLY he will take this drain out. It will make me a lot more mobile and that's about the only area I still have pain.
Sorry I havent posted earlier but I'm staying with my mom and she doesn't have a computer. When we got home Thurs. night her power was out but the breeze was blowing so it wasn't that bad. However, when I got up the next morning it was HOT!! My apartment in town had power so I got my mom to drive me to town. I was feeling pretty good and was actually able to take care of myself but that night when I laid down to sleep the unevitable happened. I had locked both of my kitties in the kitchen but they somehow got the door opened and my baby girl Anna POUNCED FROM THE FLOOR ONTO THE BED ONTO MY STOMACH!! OUUUUUUCCCCHHHHIIIIEEE!! I was on the phone with my sister getting her to take me back to my mom's house. I will probably stay there until most of the soreness is gone.
My mom had to run errands this afternoon in town so I got her to drop me off at my apartment so I could get online, but I'm going back to her house tonight and will stay there until this drain is out and the soreness is better.
So far Im having kind of a hard time getting fluids in me b/c I just forget. He wants me to have 1 oz every 15 minutes. But I am LOVING the sugar free Pop-Scicles!! Oh yeah!
I want to thank Sheila Bullock so much!!! She works at UMC and came by to see me several times each day I was in the hospital. A lot of those times I don't think I was very perky either, sorry Sheila. A little birdy told me that Sheila might have even been the reason that I was able to get a private room so my mother could stay with me which was an absolute prayer answered!!! Thank you so much Sheila for your visits and the stuff you brought...along with the good advice!
Thank you Arlies for calling me several times, sorry I didn't get to talk to you though!
Christine Clayton...thank you so much for being my angel and faxing my surgery support page to me. The nurses were all so excited about it and my mom is still talking about it. Sorry I couldn't talk when you called, I was feeling like crap, lol. I'll call you soon though!
God Bless
Hey Girl! I have been lost without you. I am so glad you are doing well!! I thought about you every day.
Your mom seems so nice and I could tell when I talked to her that she was excited for you. She said you had a rough night but that you were up and moving around. I am so happy for you that you are up and able to write. I shouldve called you since youve been home but I have misplaced your number (hubbys been cleaning again)..Email it to me privately.. I would love to yack with ya when your up to it.
Everyone was praying for you! I am glad you got the support page. I am jealous - you had so many well wishers!
I cant wait to hear all about it!
I am so glad your back, you LOSER!!!!