Your Assignment for the Week......
The old teacher in me is peaking out. Ya'll all know that life has been a bit rough this past week or so on our board, so I am making this assignment to each and every one and I FULLY expect each and every one to comply!!! If you don't, just let me warn you that I "know people who know people who know people"!
We are gonna do a "pay it forward" week! Each and every day you need to do AT LEAST ONE radom act of kindness. This is an act of kindness that you do freely without expectations of receiving ANYTHING in return. You are NOT to tell anyone about what you have done - that kills it! Then next Monday, we will post what happens. (It's okay to tell us what you do, we don't count!) So keep your list handy, to notate what you do and what results if any you see from it. DO NOT TELL anyone else you are doing this!!!! Folks, I want you to GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to do your acts of kindness - put yourself out a little. Now, somedays, your kindness may be very simple - picking up something somebody dropped and handing it back to them, for example....You will know what to do when the situation arises!!!
Love you all to bits and pieces!!!
Smoochies & Hugs