My Saturday.....
Hey gang,
Yesterday, I got up at 5:45 am, got ready, picked up my oldest sissie and went to Meridian. We visited the sick sissie - thank you from her and me for all the prayers. She is doing MUCH, MUCH better and looked really good!
Then we went to the Mall and Books a Million. Em and I went from one end of the mall to the other 4 times!!!! We spendt all my Chistmas gift certificates (mostly at Bath & Body works!!!) Then we went to Books a Million and I could not find anything to read!!!! Well, anything I wanted...I looked and looked and looked....Nothing called my name. We also stopped at Wal-mart real quick on the way home. We got home at 11:00 PM!!! And ya'll I did it!!!! That young'un was SO tired that by the time we got home, all she could do was lay in the seat (fully reclined!!) with her tired, sore feet on the dashboard and cry!!! I walked the child out - well, actually I rode her out!!
Now, we have named my scooter chair!!! We had a hellacious time loading her up into the back of my truck - losts of gnashed teeth, and we ALL learned some new words! My sissie wanted to name her the Sob sister where sob stands for S.O.B.!!! Em chose the name. She is reading a Steven King book and picked the name after the book!!! Her name is Christine!!! (sorry Christine Clayton!!!) As Em says, the chair is fully possessed!!! Then my sissie said we can call her Miss Christine, and then said no Madam Christine. And I immediately said, "Yep, that's her My D*** Christine!!! We giggled and giggled and giggled!!! But her name is Christine and we all agreed that she is possessed by the devil, himself.
Ya'll we had a great time and I hope your Saturday was as good!
Smoochies & Hugs

Hey Ms. Arlies,
Glad to hear that your sissy is so much better.
Maybe she will be home soon and running you crazy.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time yesterday. Glad to hear that.
Nothing like being able to finally wear a child down.
You must have really been doing some scootin.
Great name on the scooter, jus****ched that movie the other day.
Sorry to hear about it being possessed though.

At least if you "hit and run" over anyone,
you can blame the chair.

I am so glad you all had a fantastic day. Sounds like Em was slap worn out. Thats funny!
I am very happy your sister is doing well.
Its too cute that you named your scooter. I just hope it doesnt start playing funky music and strap you in and turn you all wicked... haha...
Speaking of Books A Million I wonder if we got books on tape if we would listen to them at the hosp. I read somewhere we wont want to read but I wonder if we would be coherent enough to listen to a book. I happen to love Anne Rices Witch series and the Harry Potter movies. That would be fun. Its an idea. Maybe. going zoomin today? Yall have fun and dont hurt anyone with your possessed cooter...
Christine (but not Madam)
Hello Arlies, Sounds like you had a ball! I know it was wonderful to shop like that with your daughter. I can't even remember the last time I went to the Mall. I am so happy you finely got your Christine. When I started reading your post, I thought I was reading one from someone who had already had surgery and was out and about. Then I thought, this is Arlies, she got her wheels!!!!! Yeah. Are you going to the meeting on Tues at UMC? I am not sure right now. Have a good afternoon.
Smiles, Jan