ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!
Hey gang,
Happy weekend!!! I hope the weekend is great for you and things go well! Remember we all need prayer, but especially Stacey Hux and family and Hulene Gray and family.
Now for the lighter side.....
Normally parents pick out two names for their expected baby - a boy name and a girl name. What would your name have been had you been the opposite sex? What about your SO's and children? Here's mine:
James (Jim) Kyle (DH) would have been Kristy Jo (His little sister's name).
Arlies would have been Jim!!!!
Jon Phillip would have been Amanda Grace
Emmalee Jasmine would have been Micah Jamison...
Now what's interesting is my Mother's name was Arlies and my Daddy's name was Jim!! Boy, when we were engaged, I worried over that!!! But I guess even if it was so psychological mal-adjustment (yeah, yeah, I CAN hear ya'll!!!
) on my part, it has worked well for me!!! and for my Jim, too!!!
Lemme hear yours gang!!!
Smoochies & Hugs

Good Morning everyone.
Arlies - your name on my yahoo is coming up as Christine Clayton. Odd huh? How do I fix? Do you know?
My name was supposed to be Michael for boy or girl. My mom wanted it Michael but my dad talked her out of it...Thank God! My step brothers name is Michael. I think it mustve been a sign early on. I dont really like CHRISTINE... I wish I wouldve been something cuter. Christine just sounds like a FAT name.
Emily would have been Benjamin Caleb had she been a boy and before we knew what we were having we would rub m belly and call it Ben. If I ever have a boy it will be Ben and another girl will be Abby Danielle. I also like Molly Danielle.
My siblings names are: George, Bethany, Michael, Tabetha and Joshua. GEORGE HAHAHAHAHA... He hates it.
See you guys later!

Hiya Arlies,
Again, interesting question. I've asked mom and she said, had I been a boy, I would have been a Michael ( ugh.. don't like that name anyways).
Hubby's mom said since they already had three boys before him, they didn't expect a girl and never picked out a girl's name, but they weren't decided on his first name, for the longest time, it was a toss-up between Travis or Trevor.. thank goodness they went with Travis.
My oldest, Sarah Christine, would have been Bryant Jeremy
The middle child, Brittany Samantha would have been Brett Samuel ( very inventive huh?
the little one, Caitlin Rebekah, would have been Corben Elizah ( which, should we have any more kids and have a boy.. as if... will be used!! )
Keeping everyone in prayers, the families of Stacey, Hulene and all those who need support, as well as those affected by Charley, Frances and Ivan over in Alabama and Florida. I've still got a friend who is in KY right now, she is from Pensacola and has no idea if her house is still there, they're not allowed to travel back yet.
Have a great weekend, everyone!!

good question!!!!!! Well i dont know about DH but if I would have been a boy I would have taken my fathers name of Vernon Albert Gazzo but I would have been a (II) its tradition in my family for the first son to take the fathers name as a name sake to carry the family name....well my son is Austin Christopher....if he would have been a little girl his name would have been Alyssia Mishelle....(which i hope to one day have more children but dont know if i can)
thanks for asking
Angie Bea
Hey All!!!,
okay my name as I know it, would have been Robert James because that was my lil bro's name,DH's name would have been Norma Jean ....My son's name would have been Destiny D'shea but ,alas
I got a junior just like Angie Bea, he is Edward Leland Junior, DH wanted to name him (George Rueben) uuuggghh!!! after his father so you see why I chose Edward Leland ,Edward was also my Dad's name as well as my husband's and the nicname Lee Jay was Moma's idea (Leland Junior-Lee Jay) and it just stuck lol

Hey Ms. Arlies,
Prayers are there..
Well, my name would have been Timothy Gordon.
I'm not really sure about Johnny my DH name. However I am sure that it would have been a good one. His mom has a good name system. His sibs are Joe, Kenny, Gini, and Ronnie.
Kinda fun telling their names. Joe, Kenny, Gini, Ronnie and Johnny
My daughter Katie Alexandra, her name would have been Jarret Elijah. Jarret because my grandfather lived on Jarret's Bay, and his name was Elijah.
Don't worry, I like your name. I've never heard it before. And there are several reasons I'm named Tammy. A song that goes something about, "Tammy, Tammy, Tammy's in love" ??? And the country singer.