Prayers please.....
Hey gang,
One of my sissies, Shirley, is in Anderson's hospital with acute pancreatis. She is very, very sick. She is not the sissie that alot of ya'll have met with me. She falls between us. She has been in the hospital since Friday, in the wees. And she just is not getting any better. Yesterday, they changed her meds and think that will help. Very nauseated, lots of pain, and not being able to sleep as of last night. To top it off, one of the gentlemen in her church (Her husband is the music director) died on Monday with acute pancreatis so..... They are saying that she will be okay, but it will be a long haul. I have never seen anyone as sick as she is. Please remember her and her husband, Jerry, as this thing plays its course. Jerry works at the hospital she is in so that helps alot.
Smoochies & Hugs
PS Dex, this is the Murphy boys' Momma.