Am I Missing Something ???
Am I missing something? I have planned for over a month to be at tonights support meeting. I was looking forward to it. Was dress and ready to go. Had supper fixed early. Everything was a go. Until.............
I asked that one horrible question.
"Do you have any homework today sweetie?"
Dumb, Stupid, Idiot. How could I have actually asked that question ???.

Of course she did 

I had plans for the evening.
Do teachers "pick" information from our kids like,
"Do you have
any plans tonight?" or "Are your parents
working late?"
How do the teachers know when to pile on the homework ???

Am I the only one that this happens to ??? 
Homework is important. School and an Education are VERY important.
Even more so since my child wants to be a Doctor or a Vet. Oh, and "fly planes on the side for fun".
She has big dreams, and all of them are possible I know. And I know that it requires alot of hard work. But, I would love for her to come home from time to time when we have plans, with NO HOMEWORK. We spent 3 1/2 hours tonight on homework. Just tonights work....and Not for the week....
Does anyone else have children that get hit with this much homework ???

WOW!!! 3 1/2 HOURS!!! That's way too much. What grade are we talking about? Is she not finishing her classwork and then having to bring it home too? Emmalee is 12, 7th grade, and has one study hall. She seldom brings any work home (She's straight As too). She does her extra in study hall - in fact she SAVES it for study hall - she says to keep from going nutz in there!!! I'd be talking to the teacher or teachers. I don't care how old the kid is, 3 1/2 hours is just too much. I would say either the teacher doesn't realize how much she is assigning or somebody is not doing her work during the day at school - trust me I had one of those too!!! Problem was, he didn't do his homework either!!!!
I didn't make it last night on account of I have to go to Jackson today and we are very tight with our money. (NEVER give your 20 year old your Wal-mart card and your Chevron card!!!! In one month he put us over the limit on both and we had to pay down UNDER the limit!!! And when I say over the limit, I mean OVER THE LIMIT!!!! (I thought once you hit your limit, they cut you off, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) Stinky boy!)
Talk to the Teach! You and she may both learn alot about the situation. You may have Miss Socialable in your midst who "saves" her work for when she can't socialize!!!! Trust me on this, all parents have at least one of these socialable kids!!! Also you have at least one teacher in your child's lifetime that needs a knot jerked in their head!!!
Smoochies & Hugs
PS BTW Emmalee is a teacher's dream. Jon was EVERY teacher's nightmare!!! He was rowdy and didn't do the work, but didn't fight or act ugly. So I know both sides of the coin!

Hey Ms Arlies,
Alex is in the 6th grade. And she is finishing all of her work at school. Trust me, the look I had on my face when I asked her about that.... She was too scared
not to fess up. But now she is a talker. She learned that "momma doesn't like it and it makes her angry when she gets detention". I don't think Alex goes to a study hall. At least I didn't see one listed on her class list. I don't think that the teachers are realizing just what else is being put on them. You would think that these teachers could get together and say "ok, you give homework on this day, and so on". Every Wed. our schools get out at 1:24. For teachers to have "work meetings". They see each other then, all of them, at the same time. They could work it out if they wanted to. Johnny is at the school alot. He is friends with the principal, and some of the other teachers. So, I don't think that there is something going on "behind our backs" so to say with Alex. I thought about that.
She doesn't get an inch to play around at school. Do you know that they even do "work" in PE??? Yes they do. Not everyday, but once a week. They have to write the meaning of football, baseball, touch down, etc. I mean, HELLO.... What is the school system coming to ???? If they are going to be doing work in there, let them do all their homework.... She is in PE to work off all the food she can put away...She is a skinny little thing. And active. But she can eat.
WOW!!!! You have a shopper on your hands. Credit card companies are our enemies!!! They will let you go over the limits, laughing all the way to the bank. We have cards also. And I love them, they help me build up flying miles. But when that bill comes in, it has to be paid off. I can do that easily with a little trick I learned. Don't use them.... To build up miles, I'll use to them to pay my online bills like the phone, cellphone, etc. Anything that can be paid online, pay it with the credit card. Earn miles, then take the cash for the bills and put it all on the credit card bill. Smart huh ???
Have you ever thought of getting him a Wal-Mart pre-paid gift card? That way he can't over spend, he has a set monthly amount. Plus if your Wal-Mart has gas, he can get it there also. Then you could tell him that this is what he has to spend, if he goes over it.... TOO BAD - SO SORRY - GET A JOB. I don't say that to be harsh or ugly. But Alex would "shop" us into the poor house if given half a chance to do it. Everything that she see's, she needs. I've got where I tell her just how many hours have to be worked in order to buy things. And I use the minimum wage to figure it up. She now has a better understanding of money. If she wants some crazy item, I ask her will she be willing to work to pay me back for it. She changes her mind alot now. 

I am an odd individual when it comes to homework. Yes, education is very important BUT - They have had our children for 8 hours and yet they still send them home with me that is my time with my child. By the time I get home and she gets her homework done and eaten and bath its time for bed. I do not get to spend much time with her that its just us with no other concerns. I do understand your frustration Tammy.... I feel it too...
I would love for them to do all of their work at school. There isn't any reason that it can't be done there. If they were to take alot of the "junk" out, they could do it. I may be stepping on someones toes here, but like sports, PE and all the playing around that goes on. The schools would save time and money.
I want Alex to use her head for a living, not her back. Sports should be a "parent foot the bill" type program. In other words, if you want to raise a future NFL, NBA, etc. star PAY FOR IT. The other kids that want to learn, need the money that is spent on sports equipment, traveling to games, etc.
Like you, I love being with my child. She is a blessing from GOD to me and her daddy. And every moment that she spends doing huge amounts of homework, it a moment stolen from us. She is growing up fast. TOO FAST. And I want to hold on to her every moment that I can. She is the reason I get up everyday. I live for her.