Meridian Support Meeting
I know that the meeting is tomorrow evening at 5:30. Park behind Hospice South right? Go in the door on the left correct?
Ok, about how long do they last?
That way I can tell my dear sweet darling hubby pick me up at the right time.

The world would end if I was to drive myself.... 
Or, is there a phone you can use to call him from?
Does anyone else have a clingy hubby?
I love him, but ugh!!! He loves me so much that he wants to take me everywhere. Not in a demented, or obsessed way. Just protective of me.
I know I should be Thankful that he wants to be with me, considering there are some other husbands in the world that avoid their wives and kids.
And I am, really.
He has always been a hands on hubby and daddy to our daughter.
He is as good as gold.
Thats one reason I get on the computer in the middle of the night.
One day I'm going to run away from home!
Or, as they would say on the movie "O' Brother Where Art Thou"
I'm gonna R-U-N-N-O-F-T !!!
Not that it would matter, they would go with me!!!!

Hey Tammy!!!
Yep, I'd R-U-N-N-O-F-T sometimes too, but my little group would just dig in and go with me!!!!
Tell your hubby he can come into the meeting too!!! If not, check back in about 2 hours! If it is over sooner, then folks will sit and tal****il he gets there. I may not be there. Hate to miss everybody, but I have to spend the day in Jackson tomorrow, and money for gas is tight!
Much love,