Lady B? Take to the hospital-
Hey Bridget,
Here's the first of a set of advice packets that I'm sending your way.
Here's a random list of stuff to get together for the hospital and for home afterward.-
The Fan and Chapstick are tops of the list.
Small CD or tape player with headphones
and the music that makes you dreamy or happy.
Baby wipes also head the list as do those-
dental sponges for washing your teeth withou****er or toothpaste.
(I'm sorry that I can't remember the product name, but they were great.)
While your at the hospital "snag-up" some of those little 1oz pill cups
they always bring your meds in.
Back at home they are instant measuring devices.
I also brought a couple of extra pillows from home,
propped them under my arms at the elbows.
Don't think I could have slept, even on the morphine without them.
Go ahead and get the rubber coated baby spoons,
and some of the small Glad disposable
Tupperware-like containers.
Once you move to yogurt and cream soups,
you won't be able to use up a full container in a day.
I'd just plop a can of tomato soup into the container,
take out the large table spoon of it to put in a bowl,
add the water to the bowl and throw it in the microwave.
Put a date on the lid of the Glad Container and pop it in the fridge.
That way I wasn't re-heating the same thinned down soup again and again.
And I also knew what I should eat before I opened another can of something.
Don't worry about the baby spoon staining.
For some reason the soft rubber coated ones,
stain at the touch of tomato soup.
Just wa**** with a little baking soda and throw it in with the rest of the dishes.
It may look a touch dingy, but it's clean.
Large heating pad was helpful at home.
The hospital would not let me use my own, but they provided one.
There will be that sticky residue from the tape for your IV.
I was in the hospital for quite a while, so it became an issue.
Those fingernail polish remover pads worked great.
Just make sure to wash the site thoroughly after and use some good lotion,
the acetone in fingernail polish remover can really dry out a patch of skin.
The SF Popsicyles were wonderful, so was the SF Jell-O in the little pre-made cups.
The most important thing however is an advocate.
A spouse or family member who can see to it that you are getting excellent care.
Those poor nurses are run ragged going from room to room,
and even when you have the best floor staff in the world,
typically they are stretched thin by understaffing.
Having some one there to ask-
"The pain meds for this room were due and were asked for 20 minutes ago,
is there something that could be done to expedite this?
"Is the Dr. on the floor yet?
"There seems to be some new redness and swelling around the IV site.
Could you come look at this?
The bed dressing in this room wasn't changed this morning as it usually is,
is there someone we should call?
Someone how is calm, of a sweet disposition,
rational, and Who loves You! Is the greatest thing to have at the hospital.
You will then be more than a blinking light on the panel
to a staff member who is already facing a row of them
and each case may be a life and death situation.
OK that's everything that I remember so far ,
that I was grateful that I had.
I'm sure others will be coming-
Best Wishes-