Where yall be???
Its quiet in here... Where are you all at?? Did yall have a party and not invite me???
Kristi Etheridge - come out come out wherever you are!! Are you getting excited about your surgery? Are you having to be on liquid diet for awhile???
Arlies?? Why do quiet? Are you already Zooming?? Who you crushing on?? Is Adam hot? hehehe
Jo Walker - Your not online....
Angie ---- You havent talked in awhile- you ok? Where ya at???
Connie, Dex, Cristy Dolan - How are yall??? Whats new??
Lady B --- Congrats to you.. All that stressing-- I am so excited for you!
Welcome to you Vickie! I hope you chat alot!
Not any of the people you are looking for, but I am here!
When is your date, Christine?
I had surgery on 4/1 and have lost a total of 68 pounds!
Best of luck with your surgery, and Kristi when you read this, I am thinking about you Spoon Girl!! Hopefully I will talk to you before your big day. Email me your address.
We was all hidin'!!! Actually, I was on line or playing solitare.
I have been practicing scootin' in the house. The cat looks at me with terror in his eyes and runs for the hills - actually the cabinets under the bathroom sink (he opens his own doors!). Polly, my little doggie, gets frantic because she wants up and to ride. I have hit everything in the house at least once!!! Couch, chairs, children, husband, refrigerator, walls, etc.... DH came home and said who moved the furniture? It was me ramming into it!!!! Sure glad I don't have to take a driving test!!! My suggestion is that Saturday when Em and I go to the mall (probably in Meridian) STAY AWAY OR YOU WILL BE TAKING YOUR LIFE IN YOUR HANDS!!!!
Smoochies & hugs, 
PS Adam is a real cutie pie!!! (and she fans herself...)

sorry ive been out of town for almost 2 weeks this is the first chance i have had to even get close to a computer...lol my grandparents barely have a tv much less a computer..lol ive been taking care of my father in law...but i am finally home....lol ive been in your neck of the woods actually...i was in hattiesburg tues before last and wednesday and yesterday..lol and in wiggins the rest of the time...
Hey Christine,
How are you doing girl? fine.I hope.I am here I just have not posted in a few .Angie Bea is here in Wiggins that why she has not posted in a while I think she has been here about a week I think that's what she told me last night on the phone she has been taking her father-in-law back and forth to doctor appointments and such and visiting with her grandmaand granpa .Hey when we going to start the tuesday night chats or any night chats for that matter ?lol ............

Yall cant be leaving for long periods of time ...I tend to worry where yall went.
Lets start the Tuesday night chats this coming Tues... Want to do it on Yahoo?? Is it better for everyone. I have been trying to use my yahoo... some of yall may have gotten strange messages from me. I am still learning it... haha... I used to use it for my web cam.
IM GLAD YALL ARE BACK.. Still havent heard from Kristi. I am going to have to call her tonight. She has me worried...