Hattiesburg Seminar
I went to Jackson yesterday to the obesity Mall for the Neutritionist. Emmy Parkes told me that people that live closer to Hattiesburg can go to to the seminars in Hattiesburg,so I mite go to Hattiesburg sometimes, but I am going to the Jackson seminar this month, even though hattiesburg is closer than Jackson for me but I want to go to Jackson this month. The seminar in Hattiesburg is at the Forest General Hospital at the Renaissance center it startes at 6:30 and is the 3rd Monday of each Month, the dates are September 20th, October 18th, November 15th
and December 20th. If you need any information about it you can call 601-288-8148. Well I got to go I thought some of yall mite would like to know this about the seminar