
Hi Donna & Tammy, To answer your questions Donna. I have talked to Sandra each time. Adam and (or) Jeannie is always away from the phone. Sandra keeps telling me that when Jeannie gets all the info that she needs, then she will call me with a surgery date. I just don't understand what more they are waiting on. To my understanding the letter from Dr Figureao was the only thing that was holding up this surgery. And I have written Adam a few days ago and I havent gotten a reply from him either. I know that they are all busy up there. But sheesh... I feel like I am about to die. I am more than ready to get my date and have my surgery. Keep praying for me and hopefully before long I will hear the phone ring with Jeannie on the other end giving me a new surgery date. Just hopefully that it isnt 4 months from now.

Hey, Sorry to hear of your waiting, waiting, and still waiting. Maybe they will get in gear soon and give you a date.
Have you told them that you would really like to have a date now, so that you can make other plans in your life? And that the way it is, you can't plan anything. Of course you probably have. That was a crazy question to ask you.
Have you tried calling and crying and telling them that they have decided that they don't want to operate on you, but they just won't tell you?
Everytime my daughter pulls that stunt with me, I usually give in and take care of whatever it is that she wants with me right then.
Just trying to make you smile. Hope it worked. You'll get it soon. Then you'll be on the Road to "Skinny Mini". Hang in There Sweetie, Tammy

Hey Jo,
I feel your pain. I've gotten all the way through this to find out I need to redo my psych eval because my psych did not send the correct information. Then his office tells me I have to come in for a visit since it has been so long since I have been in (less than a month!). So I get my appt, and then it gets canceld and moved 3 weeks away!!! Gnashing my teeth and growling. This whole experience seems to be an exercise in hurrying up and waiting.... HOWEVER, it will be worth it!!!! Hang in there and, if need be, we'll all gang up on Adam, Dr. C. and the whole gang!!! (From my experience, Adam is very good at getting back with you thro email, tho sometimes it takes a while!) Let Randall entertain you whilst you wait!!!
Love ya bunches,
Good Morning Jo !
( and everyone else on the board, too!! )
I know this waiting is killing you, and I can assure you, all of us have at one point been "there". It took me almost two years to get through the whole thing, being denied by a physician, starting all over, getting the tests done, when it finally came, I was so prepared and ready for the surgery, I had even lost weight. One thing you can do while waiting: start your post-op diet early. Start cutting sugar and caffeine, if you haven't already done so. Sugar is hard to give up, and caffeine gave me a headache for two weeks while my poor brain was going through withdrawal. If you're not exercising, try starting to walk once a day and go a little further every day if you can. Anybody who smokes.. start cutting back or even quit. I lost 28 lbs in the three months it took to get my date, but it was well worth it. Look at it as your preparation time.. at least you can still "cheat" and have those things now. After surgery, well.. you know
Don't let this get you down, everything happens for a reason, and when your surgery time comes, you'll be just fine!

Ok.. I am calm now!!!!! I am going to be patient. I promise!
I know that the Dr's office is doing everything in thier power to get me re-scheduled. And I also know that I am not their only patient. I am going to put this in God's hands and let him deal with it. I will have alot less stress if I do this. I have been on the low carb diet for almost 6 wks now. And I am losing. I will continue to stay on this diet, so that my surgery will be easier. So, WLS Family pls forgive me for whinning & complaining. Thank you for being patient with me, and thank you for all the prayers that has went up for me I love each & every one of you.
((((((((((HUGGS)))))))))))))))) Jo W.
Hey Jo,
Don't worry, you 're not whining and complaining, you're being human, and that's why we come here to help and support each other. We get our ups and downs, no matter if we're pre- or post-op.
I'm so happy that you're already making changes to your diet and losing weight. I was amazed when I found out I had lost so much weight in three months, and I just know that you'll feel so much better and have an easier time recuperating with every pound you can already drop before surgery. The rolling outta bed, the walking, the hopping back into bed, I can assure you, the 28 lbs I lost made a BIG difference.
Please don't hesitate to post or email us if you have anything to discuss.. we're happy to be here for you !! {{{hugs}}}