I had my lung test today and from what the tech. said I did really well...but of course I know that I have to wait and get the real results from Dr. Blake. Everything went well but they had to stick me for my ABG and it HURTED!!!! 

Well just wanted to let yall know OH!! I got a message on my machine today from Dr. O'Jile's office wanting me to call them back so I hope and pray its that they have an appointment for me!!! instead of having to wait till the end of Oct. OH I HOPE! OH I HOPE! OH I HOPE!!!!!! So keep your fingers crossed and pray that it's good news!!
God Bless,
Angela Blount

Hey Angie Bea,
How ya durin? Girl ,I know that ABG test is painful but, at least you only have to do that test once (I hope) Thank God! I pray that Dr.O'Jile's office was calling with an earlier appointment
.I have my nutritionist appointment on Sept.2nd @ 1:00 and then @ 2:30 .I have my obesity clinic appointment or is that vice versa lol I better get that straight before the 2nd huh? lol anyways girl,you are another step closer now and I know your glad

Looks like you are almost to the top of the world, don't let a little stick pin job get the best of you, have a nice day, don't forget to call the office back to get your message. I can't wait to hear what it is. I hope to be following along with you guys, I called yesterday to set up my nutritionist appointment and psy appointment but it was 4pm when I did so they were closed.
i'll get them today, i'm sure unless they are closed on FRIDAYS. keep my posted got to go get ready for work, by.

I gotta agree. That bloodsugar-finger-*****in' hurts more than having blood taken. I always hated that, no matter when I went for anything, prenatal visits, blood donations, the ***** in the finger always bothered me for days while the big needles were nothing to me.
I've been lucky to not have to do the blood gas thingie, but I've usually had my blood taken in my hand rather than my arm, due to the "deep veins", which isn't anything but a nice way of saying I have fat arms and they can't find them