Denied Today on first appeal
As much as I love this site... I cannot bring myself to visit it anymore. I have met some amazing people here and it saddens me to come to this point. I am going to have to just go out there and live my life the best I can without all of the added stresses that the thought of this surgery has given me.
Yes, It would save me! Yes, it would give me a better life. No, I cannot be stressed anymore. No, I cannot worry anymore about being approved or not. No, I dont want to hire a lawyer. I am in Mississippi - lawyers would have to be in New York. Yes, I am very sad. Very sad...
It was my first appeal... I cannot imagine the stresses of another one. I thought I could fight the good fight but I cant. I am drained and in shock. I am numb. I am going to cry again...
I will miss you all and I hope that you all have all the good luck coming your way.
Hey Christine,
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through all of this crapp.
I know that this must be hard on you.
Insurance companies are not going to make it easy on anyone at all. They want to save all the money they can, and make people beg and plead. They are not just picking on you. They treat most all people that way. It's all about the money with them.
And your right about the lawyers.
Most Mississippi lawyers are a great big joke.
With big & fat kick back wallets to boot.
But I hate to see you let the insurance company off that easy.
I'd step back, keep my hopes low to none, and say if "I get aproved or not, I'm going to be a thorn in their side for some time to come".
Make them wish that they had approved you the first time around.
Have you thought about trying to pay for it yourself? Go to the UMC. That is what I'm going to have to do.
I don't have insurance at this time, but I know that I need to have this surgery. And if my paying for it is the only way to get it, then so be it.
I know that the stress is hard. But I do hate to see you give up.
I'd walk through fire, on glass. Fight the devil. Whatever.
Just don't give up.
I'd borrow money on my home that is only 3 years old and is paid for, if I had too. But that is me. I don't want to do that, but I would.
What ever you decide, I wish you the best that life has to offer you. And pray that one day, things will be better for you.
Girly you need to call Dr. Blake and Dr. salahame's office at UMC!!!!! Dr. Blake doesnt turn anyone away reguardless of insurance!!! or the lack there of!!! I dont have any insurance, cant get any because of my weight...but UMC has a special program that will pay everything but the surgens fee and that is not but maybe 4500 to 5000 dollars and you can pay it in payments! also vocational rehab usually will pay for just the surgens fee...its alot eaiser to get them to pay the small bill instead of the bigger one....please please dont give up because of some STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID insurance company!! They dont understand and dont care....they just want to keep the money.....I though the same thing when I started because I couldnt get diability, or medicade or any help from the government and then when I called UMC and they opened the door wide and all I had to do was walk thru it!!!! It's up to you to walk thru all they can do is open the door and hand you the opportunity as you pass thru...please check with UMC before you make your final it for owe yourself that much!!!Your in my prayers!!! here is Dr. Blake's office number and the number to the patient financial services...give both a call and just see what you can get...
Dr. Blakes office number is (601) 815-1176
his nurse's name is Kristy
UMC Patient Financial Services (601) 815-6089, (601) 984-4640 or
just please give them a call you never know they may be able to pay for everything for you....or at least the majority...
Good Luck and GOD BLESS!!!!
Angela Blount
Hi All,
New to this message board, and I am not in Mississippi, I happened upon this board trying to find the closest surgeon to me that does the DS surgery. Has anyone used Dr Sudderth in Vicksburg? I am in Detroit AL which is VERY close to the MS state line.
I would also like to know if this UMC is only for Miss residents (for the financial assistance) or if anyone can apply?
I thought I saw on the Alabama Message Board that Voc Rehab doesn't pay for WLS. Just checking my options because I heard that my insurance probably won't cover it. I am not just going to give up, but I want to know if I have other options down the road. I've seen quite a few people denied on their insurance, and that is sad!
Thanks for any and all info, and good luck to everyone in their journey!

Sorry for the HiJack!
Hi Kelly ,Welcome to our board hun .I am not sure about whether or not you have to be a residence or not but, if so you better get a Mississippi address .Know anyone in Ms that will let you live with them on
-paper only- (jk/ wink),pay no attention to me I am

HI Sherry,
Thats not a bad
!!! hehe. Actually I really already do feel as though I am a resident of MS. We do all our shopping in Fulton, MS or Tupelo. My husband works in Columbus (that is still a good bit away from where we live) but we are really right on the line practically.
I know that would still not be right though, but if my insurance falls through, I would not even mind MOVING to MS if there was a chance for assistance with WLS. That is just how desperate I am, and like I said, we already feel like we are a part of MS anyway. I would not do it if I thought they were limited on how many people they can help, because I would not want to take away from anyone that were more deserving of help. I do plan on checking to see if we have similar assistance here though.
Thanks for the sweet welcome! And I am glad I found other
people to hang out with...

Dearest Christine,
Honey, take a deep breathe and relax for a couple of days and then heed all the above advice!!! Voc Reb, Dr. Blake, Dr. Salameh, and UMC. They will make sure you can get the surgery - one way or another. CALL THEM!!!!! Email me with your phone number and i'll call you back if you want to talk. I don't know alot about appeals, but I am friendly, sociable, and play well with most others. Don't give up and remember we all love you very much.