it is me again please help me
hi everyone i have wriiten before....i am stephanie i am severly overweight and it has been a problem my whole life and it is now gettin to me i am only 28 and i wanna be doin things that i cant do because of my weight like hikin and boat ridin with my friends and everything else i have a is to have the gastric bypass surgery there is a big problem i have no insurance and of course i dont have the cash to pay for it upfront so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.....and good job to all the people who have lost all the weight and good luck to everyone who is havin the surgery....wi**** was me .....please if anyone knows anything i can do please let me know i have been so depressed i will try anything right now.....good luck everyone.....

Ditto what Adam said. Here's the number....601-815-1176 and you will be probably talking to Daphne at first. They work with everybody and will do what they can to help. It is a far distance from Picayune, but would be well worth it. Please keep us posted on how things go. We look forward to hearing!!!
Love ya,
PS if you need to talk, email me with a phone #
Hello and how neat we are practically neighbors. I am waiting fo my date for surgery. Iam finished with pre-op and raring to go.
Voc Rehab is paying for mine but not taking any more people now. You can always check though. Look in the govt pages of phone book in front for pearl river county. Then vocational rehabilitation. I believe it is 798-7784 and ask for peggy. She is good but anybody there will help you.
One day we can plan to meet maybe. Talk more later.
Jane from Poplarville
hi jane yea i called before to vocahtional rehab and they said it could be a 6 year waitin list i would love for u to get in touch with me i love meetin new people and i like makin new friends i will try to call and ask for peggy maybe i can get something done good luck to you and keep me updated.if u wanna talk to me i have yahoo messanger my user id is mrs_daisey feel free to add me if you have yahoo and chat with me
hi Stephanie,
Girl you just gotta call dr. Blake's office at UMC in Jackson! They are amazing at how they can help you. I dont have any insurance nor do I work. The Patient Financial Services should be able to help you as long as you qualify by your income (household) and the Dr. (blake or salhame) has to give them a letter of medical necessity. Now let me tell you this is a VERY VERY LONG process from beginning to end...I waited a full 9 months just to get in for my initial consult with Dr. Blake. Dr. Salhame is in the same office and doesnt have that much of a wait but either dr is wonderful!! just give them a call and get the ball rolling...they can help you in one way or another...Dr. Blake doesnt turn anyone away reguardless of insurance or weight. He is just an allaround awsome dr.!!
so give them a call Arlies has posted the number in her post. So please give them a call and you havent got anything but unwanted pounds to loose and a whole new life to gain!!! so call them asap! they can get you started!
Good Luck and God Bless!!!
Angela Blount