What I have done lately....
Hey Sweet folks!
I have been working up a storm - and ya'll thought all these hurricanes lately started in the tropics! I have been busy with my work at home jobs. I got a promotion to marketing with my dealership surveys job, and I trained and went to work on it Monday of this week. I am still keeping the survey job because it's fun and I talk to interesting people! Well, on Wednesday, I called my boss and said, "I am not going to do marketing anymore. I'm too old, life's too short, and I don't tolerate being hollered at." When I called the general managers of the auto dealerships, I basically greeted them and then got hollered at by them! Such hatred in their voices! And this was even before I was able to tell them why I was calling! For all they knew, I could have been wanting to purchase a fleet of vehicles from them!! At one dealership, I asked for the name of the general manager and was greeted with this reply, "NO, LEAVE US ALONE!!!" (not hollered, but screamed at me) and the phone was slammed down. So I am back to just surveying....and studying my gazillion modules to get certified as a Home Shopping Network order agent. Do you know how many different types of necklaces, braclets, rings, etc there are? bazillions or more!! It's pretty intense, but I have passed the first 4 tests with 4 more to go....whew!!! I had consistently refused to let myself get on this board because I have had so much to do! I intend to do most of my tests tomorrow, since I don't work anywhere and finish the rest over the weekend. This is a 250 page manual that I have to get through in 10 days!
I'm sorry I missed you guys in Jackson Tuesday night. I was there, but I was at St Dominic's with my sissie. I had to haul her back because she felt bad, was running a fever, and had some lumps in her neck. She just knew it was the staph infection rearing his ugly head again. But after a bunch of xrays, poking and prodding, the dear doctor said it was probably a cold coming up and her lymph nodes were swelling. So we were there while ya'll were there, but I didn't drag her over to the meeting because she still felt bad. We got out of the doctors a little after 6 pm..I hate I missed ya'll. I know it was fun!
Only had two crisis this week! My dear 86 year old aunt gave out all her checking account info to some scam artist - routing, checking and check number. Upset herself immensely. My dh works at the same bank and he told her what to do. They didn't get any$ off her and she had to change her account. She said she knew better but they were just so convincing...so be careful! The other crisis will probably go to an appeal...since I think we got an idiot for a judge...basically he said that it didn't matter what my former employer did - even the illegal acts - because I was an at-will employee and had absolutely NO rights. And even tho, he knew that they had intentionally tried to inflict emotional distress and anguish upon me, it didn't matter,,,I had NO rights. But we may or may not appeal, and I know that God is in my corner, so they will be taken care of one way or another...and the judge will also....
So off I go to work.
I love you dear people, each and every one!!!


hey sweetie
this is susan coleman in vicksburg. so what i am reading is that there is life after surgery. i was fired over a year ago (partley due to wanting this surgery) and have been house bound ever since. before surgery i couldn't walk from the front door to the mailbox. yesterday i walked across walmart parking lot. hooray for me. i'm thinking about starting to look for something in the next couple of weeks. thanks for the insporation