New Insider Angel Here!
Well MississippiFolks,
I just got my wings- (and not from drinking Redbull)
I'm a new Angel.
I just signed on to support -
Bridgett White, from Columbus Mississippi.
She's having her first meeting with her surgeon,
Dr. Michael King, (who is phenomenal!)
And needs all the love and support and prayers that we can muster.
For those of you out there who "Use The Force,"
put her name on your lists and send a word of support to her page.-
Now- I'm obviously new at this,
So, do any of you "Old-Pro-Angels" have any tips?
Like- What were some of the things you did?
Or even you folks who've had good support from your Angel/s,
What are some of the things they did that were particularly helpful?
This Angel is reporting for duty,
But still flapping around a bit.
Any words of advice are MUCH appreciated.
Best Wishes-

I received your post today and I wanted to say thank you for taking me under your wing!! I have been scared about my doctors visit tomorrow, but now with my angel looking out for me, I am ready to fly through this. Thank you again for being my angel. I really appreciate this.
Hey! What's with all these white feathers falling all over the place???????
Oh, Dex, you will be the goodiest angel of all!! I know Bridgett is thrilled with you! Just be yourself and be there for her - this comes from one who hasn't angeled much yet, but has been the Queen
for quite some time!
Many smoochies & Hugs!
PS The Murphy boys are in residence and attending band camp.