Almost 6 week UPDATE!
Good Evening ALL!
I went to Dr. King today for a checkup/follow-up appt. It was my original appt from B4 2nd surgery so they just kept it. So here are the results........ Believe it or not I am down A
GRAND TOTAL OF 55.3 lbs. And from my high weight before fluid gain I am DOWN a GRAND TOTAL of 39.3 lbs.
I was really in shock cuz I really packed on the fluids last week. But I am Extremely happy all the same!
The results of the Biopsey on my Gall Bladder was this.
Dr. King came in to the room and said. "Angie, you need to tell your Husband he is a very Lucky Man." I said. 'ok'. He said. 'I am serious, another 24 hours and you would have been DEAD!' Well I 'bout fell off the table. He then said. ' You had a Non-receptive Staph Infection in your gall Bladder and had we not gotten you in here when we did you would have died.'
All I could say was 'Oh My GOD!' He said he thinks the Staph came from my my PICC line, and that it would have normally just been defeated by my body, BUT that it landed in my Gall Bladder and sat there festering. Now this was a whole 32 days from day of surgery until the day I went back to Hospital. He also said ' I do not even know how you were walking. If we had waited the gall bladder would have burst and infected every part of your body with this staph. And basically even though we were pumping your body full of antibiotics, the staph infection was NOT responding.' Well needless to say I left there with a WHOLE different outlook on life. I certainly know now my gaurdian
was looking out for me! I WILL NEVER WAIT 4 DAYS AGAIN if I have any kind of unusual pain. And I also know NOW that Dumping does not normally last more than a few hours or so.
I seriously thought I was having effects of dumping for 4 days, until the pain got so bad.
Now on to the better NEWS! I am off of FLUIDS and ONTO SOFT FOODS!!!! Eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, baked potatoes, yogurt, beans and peans, peanut butter. I was so happy about that, that as soon as I left I drove to Taco Bell and ordered some pintos and cheese. THEY WERE NOT GOOD THEY WERE HEAVENLY!!! I am in ketosis big time and even tasting like METAL Beans with Cheese they were SOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! Here's the kicker. I could only eat 4, as in 123 '4' Bites! I have never been so happy to chew in my life. I came home and ate a teaspoon of Peanut Butter! Unreal!
So here is my update. I am extremely happy to be here typing this and when I told Joe (my DH) what Dr. King had said he just pulled me into his arms and hugged me and said he 'I know how lucky I really am, baby' Course I cried like a BABY! He is just so sweet sometimes, outta the Blue!
Well I don't want to hog the board with ole boring stuff. But I am ONE HAPPY CAMPER!
Much Love to ALL,
7/2/04 Lap RNY
-55.3 with Fluid

How WONDERFUL !!!!!!
You now have had 2 new chances at life. I am so happy you are getting to chew again. I can only imagine how it will feel to only sip for so long. What if any protien drinks are you enjoying?
How much water are you able to get down each day?
Did your "taste" change on you yet?
I want several kinds of protein drinks before I go in for surgery in case my "taste" change and I no longer like one I have chosen pre op.
Hey, you are absolutely right about 2 new chances! I am truly Blessed!
I am drinking Walmart protein (Vanilla and Choc) It is OK! and I bought some flavorless from GNC in the mall. I am drinking pretty much all day except before and after a meal. I have found that Sugar Free Shaved Ice is WONDERFUL and a great way to get in fluid! I am eating alot of fat free cheese sticks(protein) and eggs (scrambled light and fluffy) and cottage cheese. All great sources of protein. EVERYTHING tastes like metal. I was told this is due to being in Ketosis. And I will take it. I lost another 3 lbs since Tuesday. But I just drink and eat like I am sopposed to. I get full if I eat more than 2 oz of cottage cheese. It hurts! UGH. But I learned. I also like the Atkins Smoothies! YUMMM! Lots of protein too. I am up to an average of 65/70 grams of protein a day. Need to get more but this is up from about 20 grams I got sick again. I do forget to drink slow and have made my pouch ache for a bit, but live and learn! lol!
Any other questions feel free to ask!
Much Love,
I get about 40/60 oz of fluid in form of Water, SF/ Caffiene Free Tea and All of the Crystal Light (walmart brand) Juice drinks. And then I am getting at least one SF Large Shaved Ice a day. I wanna say that is about 20 oz. plus my protein drinks, mostly 1 a day but sometimes 2, depending on what I eat.
Angie so glad to hear your infection was caught in time. I'm a clinical microbiologist at another hospital and everything Dr. King said is true. You are very lucky!! I'm about 3 weeks post op with Dr. King. I had to have an open procedure, so recoperating slowly. I initially had lost 21 pounds at my first visit 10 days after discharge, but I don't seem to have lost a single pound since then. I also am still on liquids and taking in about 650 to 750 calories a day. I'm very discouraged. Did you experience anything like this?