A question for ya
Hey all,
Well, I home (briefly) from the writer's conference this week, and I've been asked to submit an article to a businesswomen's magazine regarding weight in the workplace.
I'm hoping ya'all can help, lol.
Both men and women can chime in here. Here are the survey questions, you can reply here or email them to me. No names will be used in the article, but please let me know in what type of industry you work:
1. What were/are your top 5 frustrations with being overweight in the workplace?
2. What have been the top 5 advantages of your weight loss as it pertains to your work environment? (Or, if you're pre-op, what are you looking forward to?)
3. If you would like, please share a personal story (remember, no names will be used unless you ask me to) that relates to one of the above questions.
4. What would be your top 5 suggestions to women who are struggling with weight related issues in the workplace?
Please feel free to add any comments, suggestions, or personal stories/tips you would like. Also, if you would be open to the possibility of having your before/after pictures in the article, please let me know. (This is NOT a requirement)
Though this is not a faith-based article, please feel free to comment in that vein if you wish.
Here's a chance to make our voices heard!
Thanks so much everyone!
Perry P. Perkins
Christian Novelist
Just Past Oysterville: Shoalwater Book One
Read chapter one - (www) perryperkinsbooks.com
Good Morning, Perry!
< yawn > wow so many questions this early in the morning!
I work in the telecommunications business, actually, a call center for < now> the largest US cellular provider. Just to give you an insight, we are on the phone answering calls pertaining to tech support and customer service/ billing basically non-stop while we are "on the clock". Great benefits, excellent pay but high stress ( not everyone is cut out to take verbal abuse all day
Allright, here are my answers:
1. What were/are your top 5 frustrations with being overweight in the workplace?
---------in this job, none. employer is very understanding of the needs of overweight people, accommodating them with wider , very comfortable chairs if needed and all facilities are "fat friendly" such as bathrooms, regular chairs, etc. no discrimination against overweight people (or any others ) at all. if you do your job, it doesnt matter what you look like, you are equal in your opportunity to get promoted within this company. many overweight managers, all the way from team managers to executives at the top----
2. What have been the top 5 advantages of your weight loss as it pertains to your work environment? (Or, if you're pre-op, what are you looking forward to?)
--- easier to walk from the parking lot to your desk(large call center, some have problems when they get a spot wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out there )
-----( can't think of any others, since our employer is very GOOD !!)--
3. If you would like, please share a personal story (remember, no names will be used unless you ask me to) that relates to one of the above questions.
--- I think that even though I am overweight and many employers do take a skinny person over a fat one, they "look better and present a better image towards the customers" I feel like this company just looked at my credentials rather than how much I weighed---
4. What would be your top 5 suggestions to women who are struggling with weight related issues in the workplace?
--- my top suggestion: you know you have the credentials, it's a dog - eat - dog world, find a job that doesn't discriminate against overweight people... ---
--- don't do WLS because of your job, but it HELPS once you lose the weight, you get taken more serious, what a pity , eh? ---
--- bring up to your manager that there are a few things that might be fairly inexpensive but would help tremedously in the workplace (comfortable chairs, adjustable desks, possibly foot rests for us shorties??) and such, a dedicated employer who values you , will accomodate you, but you might have to bring it up, they can't read your mind ---
--- bring your own stuff.. Footrest, A small fan at your desk to keep you cooler, but ask your boss first and explain to him why you need these things----
--- if you DO run into supervisors who discriminate .. go over their head and let the uppers know that you are a normal person, and there shouldnt be any harassment on the job... they will try to avoid a lawsuit and you can probably see that supervisor backing off immediately. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion !! ---
That's my two cents' worth
RNY 6-23-04 -34lbs