Hi Everyone!
You got that right-threats work on me..
Thanks to all of you for the warm welcomes. I am so excited to be here. I am terribly addicted to this website and to these message boards. Cant believe there are this many of you so close. Did anyone use Dr. William Whitehead from Hattiesburg Clinic?
Talk to you guys soon~
Hey Christine,
my pcp referred me to him ,but he wasn't covered by my insurance
,it sure would have been nice if he had taken my insurance because ,then that would have meant he was only 30 miles up the road lol.Don't know if this helps but,my pcp thinks highly of him, haven't heard anything else about him.

Hi Christine
I just read over your profile and see that you've hit a few bumps in your road to WLS. I just wanted to let you know, even if they deny you for surgery at this time, don't give up. I've had the same thing happen to my, my first surgeon totally turned me down thanks to lack of a " supervised diet attempt" even though I had been on a diabetic diet during pregnancy for six months and had ended up losing a lot of weight. He didn't recognize the diabetic diet as such an attempt and I had to start at square one. You may want to take a minute and just read my profile, and you 'll see what I mean. Don't let them discourage you, just keep going and fight back. The whole process took two years for me, but I wanted this surgery and I knew that it's my last chance, so I kept at it and finally got it.
Be assured that if you need to talk to someone, any of us here at the board are always happy to get your emails and respond to you if you need someone to talk.
Good luck on your surgery, we're all rooting for ya!!

Hi Quasimodo.... I just loved that part in your profile. Seems like you are doing great! Thanks for the inspiration. I am hoping with every bit of hope I have left that tomorrow will be a good day for me. My Gyno is supposed to have his letter to my surgery nurse. HOPEFULLY! He said he would do it Monday. I just hope that means get it to her Monday. Maybe he dictated it when I talked to him. My pre-cert nurse can fax it to Blue Cross and hopefully the will approve me this time.
If not, I have talked to our Human Resources Dept and she can contact our Insurance lady at our corporate office who gets involved when insurance gives us a problem. It is covered under our contract with them so maybe if this doesnt work - her call will. I work for Gannett and we have well over 1 million employees worldwide. We are a huge account and the lady at corp is who chooses what insurance we go with. Bottom line is they are picking and choosing who they will cover and not requesting the same stuff from each individual. Several people I work with have had this and they werent required to have some of the things I have. I dont get it??? I thought policy was policy.
I hope everyone has a great day. Its been a pleasure reading all of your posts! We need to get this Mississippi board hoppin!!