Has anybody else used Walter Frazier?
I see my psychiatrist every 3 months, whether I am crazy or not....
I see Dr. Krishan Gupta in Jackson. He is a tiny little man that runs 10 miles a day, but his heart is bigger than the world. He is very good, and very sensible. If you need him, let me know. He is pricey, but your insurance may pay for it....Mine does most of it. I pay $31 per visit except I haven't since March, since Jim's medical bills, we hit our catastropic cap and have no more co-pays this year....
Keep ya chin up..I love ya, girl.
Smoochies & Hugs

I used him also. I also have to go to counseling. He thought I might need some help in dealing with depression and also get some tips on how to handle my emotions after surgery. I already know that I have to find other things to do when I want to eat. I know I cannot eat the way I did before the surgery. What would be the point in having the surgery if I did not change things afterward. But I guess I will go anyway. I have one more to do, so as soon as I can pay for it, I will finish up. She will file the insurance, just wants her money up front, and money is very tight right now for me. You do what you have to do in order to have the surgery.
Hi Kristi, My surgery with Dr. Blake has been set for October 4. I thought I was finished with all of my preops once I saw a Psychologist at the Medical Mall. I filled out all of the paper work, sent it back in and was told I had "bulimic tendencies" because of the way I answered my questions. That was the excuse I was given that I needed counseling and was sent to see Dr. Frasier. Needless to say, my surgery date was postponed another six months while I underwent counseling with him. I thought he was a very nice man and I enjoyed going to talk to him, however since I have been unemployed the whole time I have been going through this process and putting off finding a job, I could not afford to continue seeing him regularly. He finally gave me the letter I needed to clear me for surgery stating I would need to continue to see him before and after surgery. Don't know if I will be doing that or not. Luckily, my Voc Rehab Counselor has been pushing as much as I have and the ball finally got rolling. Thanks for letting me rant. Good luck with your process. It will be worth it in the end.
I am currently using Walter. he is good but I am going for several visits. He is very thorough and I guess that is to our benefit. I am a little frustrated about it but just hanging in. He is my last stop before I get a date.
Jane from Poplarville MS
I am looking for people traveling to the meetings at JAckson that are from the Hattiesburg area.