What's your hubby & kids' new names?
I should have done this with my roll call post, but you know about those senior moments....Ah, well,
As you know I am Boobie Cootie-Pants, married to Pinky Cootie-Pants (Jim) with 2 children, Zippy Cootie-Pants(Jon) and Pinky Cootie-Pants(Emmalee). You know the kids's names seem to fit!
, but I just don't picture my husband as a Pinky Cootie-Pants!!!
Boobie & The Cootie-Pants Family

Well now I guess I have a whole klan of Liver-Sprinkles LOL..As we all know I am Mrs. Fluffy Liver-Sprinkles and I have a Snotty Liver-Sprinkles (Austin- kinda fits dont it!!LOL) and I also have a Loopy Liver-Sprinkles (DH Chris-that one is DEAD ON!!! LOL)
Thanks for the Laughs!!
Mrs. Fluffy Liver-Sprinkles (Angie)