Dear Gang,
Thanks for all your emails of encouragement and for the warnings! I have been talking regularly to Dr. B's office trying to get the straight info on him. As most of you know, Dr. B., came to me very highly recommended from a nurse on staff with Dr. Cleveland. The nurse told me that if he/she had to have surgery and could not use Dr. Cleveland, that he/she would use Dr. Blake. Also, a further point in his favor, Dr. Blake was on staff at UMMC when Dr. C. was an intern and Dr. B. did train (or help train) Dr. C.
Also, I have gotten several emails concerning what the uproar is about...mainly when had someone bashed Dr. B. for his religion or race? The main concern for the original post was that alot of rumors were floating about Dr. B and law suits filed against him and the death statistics on his patients. Some of the posts did mention his race, but as for his religion, I don't know that anyone brought that up...I was just making a point when I mentioned that, so forgive me if I upset some of you about that. I didn't mean to.
Now, I do want to tell you that I have very high personal principles about lying, cheating, etc. I do not tolerate lies. I will never lie to you about anything. I will tell you the true facts as I have been told without embellishments. Some of you know me pretty well, and know what kind of person I am, so you can vouch for me!!!
Krsity from Dr. B.'s office called me today and here's the info I got. She answered everything I asked (except for the privacy thing on the current patient). Daphne is posting Dr. B's info on this site under his "find a doc" profile.
Okay, Dr. B began doing WLS in Dec. 2000. He has done a total of 150 patients (which is rapidly rising). He has NO lawsuits pending. He had one filed by one of his patients in the group of the first 50 WLSs he did, but that was dropped. (The patient did have minor complications, but did not die and as far as we know is well now.) In the first 150 WlSs that Dr. B. did, he has had 3 patients die as a direct result of the surgery (Statistics on deaths with WLS are limited to those who died in the hospital during or after surgery and those that die in the first month after surgery, but when they have been released). They were patients #7, 45, and 118. Patients 7 and 118 had PE (pulmonary embolisms) and patient 45 died from complications of a leak. Now the national statistic is 2 percent, and unfortunately, Dr. B's rate is also 2 percent. Now, here's where the confusion comes in. Dr. B. has had two other patients die but the deaths were not related to the WLS. One had an accident at home (6 months after surgery), and the other had alot of medical problems prior to surgery, but Dr. B does not know the exact cause of that one's death - it was "many, many" months after WLS and NOT directly related to the surgery.. Now currently Dr. B. does have one patient who is hospitalized and is very, very ill. I did not get any info on her (not that I didn't ask!), but due to privacy, there was nothing I could be told. Her friend did post on this board, so she has more info on that than I. BUT I have HEARD(rumor time) that she is improving.
Now, my soapbox....
Unless the doctor has reason to believe you are at a risk for PE, there is nothing preventive for that...Now, this sounds mean, but I don't mean for it to be, but sometimes, the PEs are brought on by patients not moving around after surgery. So I don't feel that those 2 deaths were "caused" by Dr. B or any neglience (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT IMPLYING OR TRYING TO IMPLY ANY NEGLIENCE EVER ON DR. B'S PART. MY MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE WOULD LEAVE LOTS OF ROOM ON THE HEAD OF A PIN) on his part, they are a real possiblity after ANY surgery, and putting the greenfield filter in each patient is not something that is done - you must have a risk for that. (My sissie who works in a hospital says that there is just about as much risk in the procedure to put in the filter as there is the surgery - THIS IS NOT A MEDICAL OPINION - JUST MY SISSIE'S THOUGHT. ) Unless you are at risk for the PE, I don't think you can predict who will have one. It happens in all surgeries....
Okay, I think I have covered everything, if not my apologies and please post if I did...Thanks for listening...
Smoochies to all
PS Dr. B WILL address this issue tonight. Be there or be square!!
WEll, all that backs up what I said.
I did not lie. What I said Dr Blake told me is now up there in Arlies post. I had felt that some of you were "blaming" me and avoiding me b/c of my post.
The only added thing is Dr Blake did not tell me it was months and months after and that is why he did not know.
I assume now he will be more careful when he tells someone how many of his WLS patients have died.
Hey Arlies,
I am unable to go tonight as I have been in Jackson most of the day,I had my consult with Dr Salameh today and I am whipped but, I agree with everything you have said . I say more power to you it seems that things can get skewed or taken out of context because, I myself only chose to see Dr.Salameh because, he was able to see me sooner ,Dr Blake's or Dr. Salameh's race or religion makes no difference to me if either is able to do my surgery and are competent that's all I care I will
before either of them in gratitude lol but, I do remember someone saying something to the effect of "he is a black man" I really never saw what the color of his skin had to do with how good a surgeon he was or why it would even be necessary to mention the fact he is black lol,but, the sad fact is "some people" still do feel it necessary to mention it.I only have one thing to add to what you said Arlies, Dr.Blake must have it going on in his field or I would have been able to see him a lot sooner,the man is booked up so much that they were still unable to give me a consult date when I was at thier office today ,I had to ask about it just out of curiousity lol.Another thing I'd like to say there is a doctor who does or did WLS surgery very near where I live and I have seen her name mentioned here several times and it is hard for me to see it when it is posted on the board because ,she was the trauma surgeon that was on duty the morning my little brother had his wreck and she screwed up certain things and basically she let my brother bleed out internally overnight in the hospital she was called numerous times in the night and told that his blood pressure was dropping but, gave no orders for care mind you we (his family) were not notified of his condition and by the time she realized that his condition was serious she attempted to to a tracheotomy and from what we were told by the coroner and what is in the coroner's report (the tracheotomy should have been done right after he arrived at the hospital) my little brother was in the hospital in a drug induced type of coma for two weeks because ,he fought the tube that was down his throat which he was supposed to be unable to do considering the fact that his neck was broken all that I have told you is in the coroner's report so this is not hearsay and not something we dreamed up and instead of the tube going into his trachea she stuck the tube through the back of his trachea tearing a hole in it and thus destroying his airway ,we could have ended her medical career ,because, all of this is in the coroner's report but ,I have chosen not to mention her name because the ones I have heard mention her consider her a "godlike" creature lol.My point in posting all of this is different people's comments can ruin a doctor's reputation and I have chosen to let God handle her if she would have just told us what went wrong instead of leading us into where his body lay and then disappearing and letting us hear all the things that went wrong from the coroner we would not have had nearly as much pain and we would have had some closure. I guess I have been venting here and I am sorry but,We had every right to destroy her career but, chose not to and look at all the good she has done people on here have had nothing but good to say about her ,and my opinion of her will never change there will definitley always a difference of opinions that's for sure lol Thanks for listening ya'll ................Sherry...............

You may be talking about what is in my profile. I posted he was a black male and looks about 35. When I see Dr cleveland I will do the same. If he is a hispanic male that looks about 45 that is what I will type.
I have black relatives, and if you all are saying I am racist you need to get a life and get one quick.
It is so sad that everyone is such a drama queen and jumps to so many conclusions. If and I say if that is what you all are going on about, you need to go re-evaluate your thinking. I am very sure Dr Blake does not mind some one stating he is a black male no more than I would mind someone stating that I am a white female. I would have never thought that at the ages we all are that a simple statement would turn into such a big deal, and if my statement is what got you all so rilled up you truely have a problem that no one but God can help you with.
(give me a break, like who ever goes to see him wont notice and I told a big secret. LOL)
Have you thought that maybe she was not allowed to tell your family the complete story? Alot of times medical employees are not allowed to talk about anything after a death. They are employed by a hospital and maybe, I dont know I was not there,she was told she could not discuss the details.
I am very sorry your brother passed away,and all his loved ones had to suffer as they did. It is a true tradegy.
You think whatever you want to think doesn't matter either way.I am not going to get in a debate with you
, say whatever you want I WILL NOT post another reply to you
because, it seems that you are trying to goad me into saying something I might regret and that aint' gonna happen lol .I am sorry if you feel that anything I said was aimed at you.but,I am going to avoid where this is heading.This is exactly why I have been a lurker on this board for nearly four years lol !!! You have been able to voice your opinions and feelings but, God have mercy on anyone else that does because, they will suffer the wrath
of Donna lol ,I think it's best I go back to being a lurker where this subject is concerned lol !!! I apoligize,if that is not good enough then I can't help it.Have a blessed life,

I think this whole situation has gotten way out of hand. I have to agree with Mrs. Arlies though, in that you really have to be very careful what you say about people when their reputation and career is at stake. There are a lot of people out there that read these boards and take to heart everything that is said. If you don't have first hand knowledge of something than I think it's best left unsaid.
Sherry....I don't think at all that you should go back to being a lurker, girl. I appreciate your opinions and I admire the fact that you aren't afraid to make them known. Keep on doing what you're doing.
We're all adults here and we should be able to voice our opinions without someone getting offended by them.
God Bless!