Hello Mississippi!!!
Hey gang,
I am beat!!! I am working really hard at my little independent contractor job and have another one in the works. I want a house of my own, so I am trying to get dead serious about paying off all my bills...all donations can be sent to THE Queen
in care of her rented castle!!! lol... I am doing well. I have a nutrionist appointment on July 22, where I will get to see Christy Dolan from Louin - her appt is at 3 and mine is at 2. Hopefully I will see some of you other folks too. Don't forget Tuesday night at UMMC - Not sure if I will be there yet, but hope to be. I think this nutrition appt is the last appt I have, and if they clear me, I will next have my pre-surgery appt. I am still using Dr. Blake. I called Kristy and talked to her about my concerns and (without using names) about Donna's post. She was very reassuring...She keeps up with the statistics and has fallen down on the point here lately. Dr. Blake has done more than 150 surgeries...He's been telling folks it's 150 since at least April 13!! She says he doesn't know how many he's done. She is the counter! My knees are getting worse and one day last week, I had a hard time getting into my truck. My legs just would not bend to let me get in...I was okay the next day when I got it. My right knee has been especially sore...maybe it's the weather... I hope all you guys are doing good. I am working alot, but if I am on the computer, I do have Yahoo messanger and MSN messenger. IM me and if I can talk, I will. If I am working I will tell you! Be kind to yourselves and remember somebody out there loves you and it is the Queen
Smoochies & hugs

hi Arlies!,
I hope your knees get to feeling better! And I want to talk to you about what kind of work you do online. (if you dont mind) I am wanting to do something from home and dont know where to start. We are trying to get us a house also. We live in a 1 bed 1 bath apt (3 of us) and are paying right at 500 a month. I had my nutrionist apt and she is great! she answered all my questions and they did an eval on me to see weather i needed the sleep apnea test or not and i passed the eval so i dont have to take one! 

Well hun ill talk at ya later and give me a call when you get into town well have to meet somewhere! or ill even go the 10 min down the road and meet yall at the medical mall..lol
Just drop me an email if ya want my numbers ill be glad to meet ya somewhere.
hugs and kisses 
Angela Blount

Hello Arlies, So good to hear from you. I am still using Dr. Blake. My PCP works at UMC and some in her office work with the Obesity Clinic. She would not send me to someone she didn't trust to do the best job for me. This is why I am sticking with him. I sure am glad you are too. I really hope to meet you and others at the meeting Tuesday night. Hope your knee settles down. I have one knee replacement and ready for the other one. But, my knee doctor thinks the by-pass with help my knee. So we are going to wait. Maybe you will get relief for your knee with your by-pass. I surely hope so because I know the pain and this wet weather really doesn't help us any. Take care of yourself.
Smiles, Jan

Hey Jan,
Good to hear from you! Yep, Adam from Dr. Cleveland's office put me onto Dr. Blake. I do feel real comfortable with him. What Donna said really worried me though. Kristy is going to let me know the actual statistics so that I can post them. I will prob call her Monday to get them - if she has them done. I plan to be there unless the folks at my little job fuss at me about it. I forgot and sent my schedule in and had me working Tuesday night. But they know about the surgery and that they have to be flexible with me. I hope it is just the weather that has my knees acting worse that usual, but I suspect that they are going to give up entirely on me one day...maybe soon...I still haven't gotten my scooter chair, but it is in the works.
Be sweet!
Smoochies & Hugs

hey you two now wonder my ears were burnin!! lol Hey now sherry remeber i did come here before you ever told me about it my MOTHER told me about obesityhelp. nanananana
the thing you told me about was the chat room on the main board and remember i could not get it to come up nanananana
lol oh and arlies (devilish child?!?!) just because my horns hold up my halo and its a little tarnished and bent dont mean nuttin!!!!
and YES! I LOVE IT HERE!!! LOL you wanted me so ya got me and now your stuck with me! hehehehe
Angela Blount