hey Andrea Melancon!!
Hey Andrea guess what I used to live about 15 to 20 min from you in Vancleave!!! small world huh! lol sorry I just had to let you know! I used to go to pascagoula(sp?) all the time spent most of if in gautier tho at the mall or spanish trails bowlling alley. I just thought it was kewl to see someone from my familiar stomping ground. My family used to run Poticaw Fishing Camp. I dont know if you have ever heard of any of the Gazzo's they are mostly state troopers..you have probable seen my uncle joe gazzo doing the news when there has been a really bad wreck or something like that. well Ill leave you alone now...lol sorry .
its such a small world!
Angela Blount (Gazzo)
Hi Angela
Well, ain't it a small world? he he
Sounds like you lived here for quite a while, we're actually "just temporary" here, since hubby's in the Navy, it takes us pretty much everywhere. We live in 'goula and I work in Ocean Springs, my DH is stationed on the tiny naval base in 'goula. You used to hang out at the mall in Gautier? Did they have that awesome Chinese Restaurant back then? Man, I tell ya, they have some good food, not that I'll ever have any of it again, but I might get a chance to have a bite of sushi one day LOL. We're originally Louisiana residents, although I immigrated from Germany many many years ago, long story. We still have our home in Louisiana, not far from Lafayette, LA. This is a nice area, we enjoy the nice warm weather, the weather and everything is so much like back in LA, but there are so many beautiful places in this great country, people are sometimes too blind to see them. I for one love the Gulf Coast, and I'm so thankful for having had the great chance to meet people in the South. Sure, everywhere you go there are the ones who are not so nice, and others who are sweet, but the Southerners are definitely the friendliest ones
I sure hope everything is going okay for you, I'm still out on short term disability and I'm pretty bored most of the day when it's raining and I've gotta stay inside and can't go walking. grrrr
Later Gator