Today is my first test!!!
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to say that today is the first appointment for me at the obesity clinic @ 1 p.m.
I will let everyone know how it went when I return home afterwards. I am not quite sure what to expect so any advice you can offer as of what is to come please SHARE!!!
thanks everyone! 

Angela Blount

Hi Angela
OOps.. I saw your post a little too late, but I hope your first doctor's visit was a good one. I hope you share with us what they had to say and feel free to call upon us if you have any questions. I'm currently three weeks post -op , and I've been on my journey for almost two years. I'm hoping you had a pleasant and positive experience with your first visit, it's a bumpy road sometimes, but just stick with it, you'll walk out a "loser" too
Good luck and hope to hear from you

Thanks you so much I cant wait to be a looser and to tell you my dr. visit went GREAT!!! i dont have to have a sleep test they did an eval and said that i dont have enough of the symptoms to think that i even need a test WOO HOO!!!
they did my blood work today...and my blood pressure OMG!!! it was GREAT!! it was 120/82 i havent see those numbers in over 2 years!! my sugar was 113 and they said that was good nutricionist is great she was really helpful she answered alot of my questions about what type of food and everything...well thanks for asking and i hope to talk to you soon also
Thanks Again!
Angela Blount