Hi everyone!
Hello all,
I appreciate all who answered my previous post. I just wanted to Update.
It is Day 7. One WEEK.
As of last night before bed, no more Pain meds or even Tylenol. I have to watch Bending or Moving to quick. This Left Incision (the big one) is a Killer. I walked a half mile yesterday evening with my Step Daughter. I was a little sore when I got home but I just rested and took a TSP of Tylenol and that removed the edge. We went to Super Walmart today. YEP, I drove, but I hate being cooped up!!!! We have trucks so no low cars, very easy to get in and out.
We were getting stir crazy! Anyway, we walked around, slowly, for about an hour and I got all of my shopping done. I bought a Digital Scale and OF COURSE the first thing I did when we got home was open it and weigh. If it is correct? And I am not dreaming?
I was at 314.5!!!!! 

I started Last friday at 325.8, +16 lbs water retention from IV. The lowest I know of in hospital was 339. So unless the scale is WRONG I am already a LOOSER!!!!! ONE WEEK!!!!! 11.3 lbs. Not including Hospital Gain, BUT 25 lbs if you include that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How COOOL IS THAT???? I know I retained ALOT OF WATER!!!! But Never realized. 
I go back for Follow up on Tuesday and I am so excited to see if our scales are the same! But I don't even care just seeing it going is enough for me right now!!!!!!
I am still on Clear Liquids until then and I am doing fine. I have no HUNGER! I have to remind myself to 'eat'. I am getting bored with Jello and Broth and Popsicles. Excited to move to more flavorful stuff. FULL LIQUIDS!!! YIPEE!!!
I am really excited about the meeting Monday Evening, I already told my DH I was going.
Much Love,
-11.3 lbs WOOHOOO!!!!
123 1123

I am actually a bit amazed as well.
But I have a very HIGH pain tolerance. I am also not a Home body. I have worked since I was 16 and cannot stand to be couped up in the house. I made a pact with my husband that I would amaze him.
About the only thing I cannot do is lay flat or on either side, painful.
I was using a wall and a window sill in the potty and stopped doing that today, to help me get up and down. When I told my momma what I was doing she said 'you always were a good healer'. I am a bit sore tonight from the wal-mart expedition but it is a good kind of sore. Knowing I am getting active from get go, instead of laying around letting the pain get the best of me. I guess it is all about attitude. I was just determined to do everything right from the beginning. I am so proud of myself, cuz, 1) I HATE TO SHOP and 2) I hate ANY form of Excercise! But this time is different. I feel good and although I don't actually 'notice' a difference, just knowing there is one is motivating me beyond belief! I am REALLY gonna DO IT THIS TIME!!!! And Nothing will stand in my WAY!
Cannot wait to meet everone either! I will be at Meridian Meeting Monday if it is still a GO. Jackson is too far to travel this soon after surgery alone, and once I go back, my schedule is hard to work around it.
You have a great weekend too,
-11.3 lbs as of today, one WEEK!

Wow, girl!!! 25 lbs!!! That is awesome. Yes, we will count each and every pound - water gain or not!!! It makes us all feel better. I too am amazed at your ability to bounce back. I am so proud of you!!! Still no word on the meeting Monday night. I haven't gotten a return call, but will try again tomorrow and will post it as soon as I know. I have a family reunion tomorrow, so it may be late when I get to call again! You GO!
Thank You!
I feel kinda guilty using the Fluid gain. But you know 25 sounds SOOOOO much better than 11.3. But then again for only a week it aaaaaaaallllllllllll sounds good!
I will be home and off and on the Computer all weekend, just let me know when you can. I am not 5 minutes drive from the location so it's no big deal if its last minute.
Hi Angie!
Congrats, that's a good number, 25 lbs, I weighed in at 305 a few days before surgery, am now three weeks out and down to 284, that's 21 lbs lost forever! Isn't it exciting? I can relate to your feeling about being cooped up. I was lucky to be released from the hospital earlier than any of the other patients my doctor has had, however, having to travel 2 hours between my home and the doctor's office, I was advised to spend a few more days in New Orleans to make sure, that nothing goes wrong, and if it did, I could come right back to the ER in the same hospital and they would have an easier time helping me. So when I got out, 3 days after surgery, we needed to get my prescription filled and get some broth and sugar free cool aid and water, for the stay in the hotel. We also went to a Wal-Mart supercenter and ended up walking around for almost 45 minutes before I started aching and felt the need to get back to the hotel. Spent a week in a recliner because I couldn't handle laying on my back, even less on my side, but now, that I have all tubes removed and no more stitches, I can sleep on my sides just fine. Honestly, I firmly believe that the walking around helped me tremendously, I can only recommend, to anyone, to walk walk walk.....The Mall, Wal-Mart, anywhere it's nice and air conditioned, since the heat in combination with starving kind of still makes me lightheaded if I get too hot outside.
Good luck and keep us posted !