Hey MS buddies!

I got on here for a minute Monday night when I got home but to tell you the truth I did not even think about posting on this board. But let me tell you I am BACK with bells on.
Today is Day 6, and I feel great!!!!!!
I had a horrible experience Tuesday morning, I will tell about that in a minute, but I am completely off all the 'good' pain meds, just take liquid tylenol occasionally if I do something stupid or too fast.
I had the Lap RNY Done and have 7 insicions.
Healing great. The worst thing was not being able to TAKE A SHOWER for 5 days.
*****sponge bathes just are'nt ENOUGH!!! Thought I was gonna die!!!!!!!!!
Anyway did that yesterday morning first light and I felt SOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!! 
I am taking in my clear liquids per DR Orders and I am doing fine. I am never hungry but I do an ounce every 30 minutes per Dr Orders and so far no bad feelings. I alternate between Sugar Free Tea, Sugar Free Jello, Chicken/Beef Broth and Sugar Free Popsicles. With water all day in between. I GAINED 16 lbs of water!!!!!
While in the Hospital. UGH!!! Started the morning of 2nd out at 325.8 and the next morning 3rd at about 5 I was up walking (could not sleep) and the nurse said since your up let's get your weight. I about fell out when she said 341.8. OMG!!!!! Anyway I was back down to 339.7 on Sunday morning and for some reason I did not weigh on Monday. Anyway, I feel GREAT! I have been doing laps around my house. My DH does not want me outside alone until I am more healed.
Scared I will fall or something.
Ok the rest is in Novel Form to explain the experience of Tuesday Morning.
Thanks for Baring with me while I share!!!! IT is pretty long!!
Anyway let me tell you what happened....
We got home Monday evening.
Felt great, walked all over the house. Suprised my DH quite a bit.
I was scared to get in the bed with all I've heard so I slept on the couch sitting up.
Well DH gets up at 4:30 to get ready for work and wakes me up,
says, come get in bed baby, you do not look comfortable.
Well I wasnt UNcomfortable.
But half asleep I do as he suggests.
He helps me into the bed, his side, the Right side. (Our bed is not a normal bed 2 feet off the ground it is VERY high. About 3 1/2 feet If not a bit more.) Anyway as I lay back, only 2 pillows, a horrible pain,
I screach but recover. and continue to lay back. DH Brings pain med and puts it on bedside table.
Kisses me Good bye and heads off to work. Well........ about 15 minutes later I am hurting SO DAMN BAD I wanna Die!

I try to get comfy, no can do.
I could not move my ASS around before surgery without great effort, and I DAMN SURE CAN'T do it on this DATE!
I try to roll off the bed,
then get scared I will really hurt myself. I tried several times to get into more of a sitting position, but OMG THE PAIN!!!!
I am getting weaker by the moment.
At one point I grab my MED bottle and to hell with measuring, I take a Swig. I wake up at about 6:30. Try again to sit up.
Nope ain't happening.
try to grab the post(4-Poster Bed) and the headboard to pull into a more prone position, still not enough strength.
And the pain, well I cannot even describe it.
But I just keep thinking MIL will be here about 7:30-8:00, she works nights and promised DH she would come by when she got off work to check on me. (Had Cell Phone on couch with me, but was 1/2 asleep when hubby had me moving back to bed, so there it lay) Regular phone is across the room on a little table. Tried screaming for help, but apparently we have sound proof rooms or I was not very loud.
Anyway, I lay there completely still afraid to move, in and out, in and out.
Take another swig of pain med.
Think I will die, dehydrate, mess all over myself you name it I thought it.
Before I am found.
At about 7:20, I try again to sit up, this time with more gusto than the other times, well all I can say is that I woke up at 7:45 and was not out of the bed.
I guess I litterally passed out from the pain.
I am thinking OH THANK GOD MIL WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE!!!!!! I cry out, over and over, NANA, NANA, NANA, ..................................................................for about 20 minutes I cry out, afraid she will think I am sleeping and not bother me, afraid I will pass out again, afraid I will use every last drop of pain meds on first morning home and OD. At some point I realized she was not coming......
........ About 10 after 8. I said ok, Got my bottle from the bed and downed about 1 oz of it. My dose is 3 TEASPOONS every 4-6 hours. Well I doubled it. And since I had no other liquid in my body, it took hold quick....
... My eyes pop open and all I see is the clock 9:28 (20 mins fast) I grab the post and the headboard, literally fling myself into a sitting position, onto the edge of the bed and out of it in a split second. Did not think, did not breathe, did nothing but get myself out of that DAMN BED!!!! Needless to say I was HAPPY!!!!! 
If I could have DANCED I WOULD HAVE.

I guess that last dose got my adrenaline or BP or something up. I could not believe I was out of it. Now this is the kicker...... later that afternoon MIL calls me and asks how I am doing. OH FINE I SAY, I appreciate your coming over this morning to check on me. I say. She says, well I tried to be quite, went and got the laundry and saw you were sleeping and left......
. SLEEPING!!!!!!
I was back there dying is what I was doing.
She said she got here at 7:30 and was not here more than 5 minutes. Go figure..... she is here at the point I am passed out from pain. I tell her what happened and she says ..... I don't understand, why could'nt you get out of the bed. 
No reason,
I gotta go,
I will talk to you later,
If it were my mother I would have cursed her out. Of course my mother as ditzy as she, is would HAVE never of asked me that. When I told DH he was mad as well and told me he would talk to her. An Example..... Monday, we get home and Supper is on the Stove, with note...
Joe & Angie, here is supper, eat a good meal and get some sleep see you tomorrow. mom
EAT???? I told Joe he needed to talk to her before I Go downright LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPYYYYYYY on her!
Enuf Said for Now,
As you can all see I am back and aunrier than EVER!
Much Love,
Is the Meridian Meeting still on Monday Evening at 5:30? I am planning on being there!!!!!!!
Sorry this is so long. Can you tell I have no one to talk to today?

Hey, Glad you are finally up and going! Sorry you had such a rough time after getting home. I'm not doing to good myself, but has nothing with surgery or cousre since I have not been approved yet. I got in a fire ant bed on the 4th, so i'm swollen from that, (highly allergic), then on the 5th I dropped my iron on my foot, have a nice bruise on my foot from that, don't think it is broke though. Doc. looked at it yesterday at work for me, and said he didn't think it was broken of course he pressed on the brusied part asking me if that hurt, and then laughed. OF course it hurts you fool..... Then on the 6th I go to Moonlake with my family, left sunscreen in the truck after the rain stopped, rained a total of 10 minutes, anyway i'm blistered real bad, from not getting the sunscreen I was going to use. SO I'm in pain from that,plus still swollen which makes me look worst than I am, but i'm not complaining,but you have a right to do so. I hope you feel better real soon. I'll be checking in with you. Connie Lane
I'm glad to hear that your surgery and hospital stay went so well, and I am so sorry to hear about the trouble after you got home...I would have died too!...that happened to me after I had my c-section with my son...after that I made dang sure that I have a phone on the night stand!!!
It's horrible being left by yourself when you can't help yourself yet...I am so sorry you had to have that experience...BUT your now on the loseing side and it's gonna be wonderful!!
I can't wait to join you!!
Angela Blount

Poor, Poor, Poor baby. BUT your telling of it is hilarious. I know that at the time, it was horrid. I think I'd have hurt the MIL!!!Actually, I probably would have panicked and croaked! Thanks for posting all this, it will be on my list of what not to do...
I am so glad the surgery went smoothly and things are going good now. The water gain from surgery is pretty normal. I know that anytime I get an IV, I swell like the good year blimp! Now you can just be a loser!!
PS What kind of bath was that????????? teehee.....never heard it called anything but a spit bath!! I am adding that one to my list!
PPS Call me if you get bored, I'll call you back (I have unlimited LD) 635-3997