@#$@$@##@$@$%@%^%$@ Insurance Company!!!!!
Sorry for the foul language (LOL) but my insurance company has just seriously pi$$ed me off.....
I had to talk to the HEAD lady in the benifits department (they are self insured) on another matter today.... so I brought up my WLS and the requirements that they had given me to do for approval... well she said they WILL NOT pay for WLS PERIOD!!!! Holy COW... then why would they tell me to do the Dr Supervised Diet/Excercise plan... she said that is what the company that is monitoring the plan tells everyone... but HER department will have the final word.
So ... looks like my surgery will not happen... because we cant self pay.
Do not give up that easy. Have you contacted and applied thru your local vocational rehab? Look up your local(county) vocational rehab. office and give them a call, if you can not find it in the phone book, call your local welfare department. Many of the clients of the welfare department also use vocational rehab so they will be able to help you get the phone number. You do not have to be low income. I am unsure about the working part. I think they will pay to help you be able to work, but you do not give up. Try your best to get to them today and get you an appointment set up. Get every medical record you can get from your dr that would show you need the surgery before you go for your first appointment.
(tee hee) I have often felt like using a string of BRIGHT blue words since starting down this road!
Don't dispare! Kristi from Meridian, can get you started down the road using voc rehab, and it's better you learned this NOW than 6 months down the road. I am so sorry that they have upset you so, but you CAN still have surgery...we just have to get creative....
If Krisit will hold the flashlight, I'll sharpen my butter knives....
Many, many, many, many smoochies & hugs

hey susan,
I'm sorry you ins. is being such a pain....but....If you are able to go to UMC you can try the program that they use in the patient financial assistance. It goes on your household income. If you qualify they pay 100% of the hospital stay and appointments just not the dr. fee...but you can usually get voc. rehab to pay for that...
Just though I would let ya know!
Angela Blount

Hey Susan,
girl ,don't give up so easily there is more than one way to skin a cat.My insurance won't pay for the surgery either and years ago I wanted to do it .Only in the past few months did I discover there was such a thing as vocational rehab.I am going to have to go to Jackson to have the surgery when I have it but, I think it is well worth the trips that I will have to make.
...keep your chin up girl ,and check into vocational rehab.....

Thanks EVERYONE...
I am going to check into Voc Rehab and see what they can do.
With all the blood tests that I had, I just found out that my Fasting Insulin was at 45 it is suppose to be less than 10. So this could be a cause to why I am overweight also. I am going to check into this and see how I can fix this too. HYPERINSULINEMIA is what it is called.
THANKS I will keep you all updated on my journey