Hey, all you gorgeous guys and gals!!! You know you are all great folks!
Here's our roll call question........
1)We are going to stay home and relax. Em put in a request for bbq ribs and watermelon, so we will have that (sorry all you posties!). No fireworks - too expensive and too wet here lately!!!
2)I have a brother, Jesse, who is currently deployed. He is civilian Air National Guard, but has been activated since all this started. He is an airplane mechanic and is "somewhere" helping out. Since he works on planes, we feel certain he is far enough away that he is not dealing with the actual fighting. He is my big brother and a good one.... (DH is retired military - USAF, but his health is not good so we don't worry about him being reactivated.)
Smoochies & Hugs 
Artist: Lee Greenwood
Title: Proud To Be An American
If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I'd worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
' Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can't take that away.
And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.
From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there's pride in every American heart,
and its time we stand and say.
That I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.
And I'm proud to be and American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

Good Morning Queen Arlies, You are such an inspiritation to me. Everytime I read something from you, I smile. Thank you so much. Now the questions, !. I guess my 4th will be involved with some or all of my grandsons. Remember they range in age from 9yrs to 6 1/2 months. By this you see my activities will be low profile. We will have fireworks. My daughters live out in the county, so it's legal. I will put cotton in the ears of the babies and mine too!
2. I don't have a biologiacial(sp) brother or sister in the war, but I really feel I have a country of brothers and sisters serving. I am so proud to be an American. My grandfather was in WWI and my daddy and all my uncles were in WWII, with one being captured but liberated when the war was over. The Vietnam war was very much a part of my life. Since every one was being drafted, trained, and sent to Nam, my ex-husband joined the Air Force. This and God kept him in the states. He was put in personnel and we stayed in Los Angeles, CA the entire 4yrs. God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smiles, Jan
Good Morning!!!!!!!
I will be hanging around the house until about 8pm then we will go to our city lake where there will be a massive fireworks display.
My youngest brother is in the Army. He is in Arizona right now. He was in the Navy and spent 5 of his 6 years going to and from the Gulf during and after the Gulf war. He worked on the computers of the planes. He met and married a woman in the Army and when his time was up he got out waited for the required time and then joined the Army.
Hey Arlies,
It is raining so hard right now i would be shocked if they were still able to have the fireworks display thay they were planning at the local waterpark for tonight but, tommorow we are going to cook out, it is my baby boy's birthday he will be 9 years old @ 2:38 in the morning on the 4th of july.Thanks to my Moma and my sister he is spoiled rotten lol, i say it is because, my little brother is gone,they spoil him even worse they have to have somewhere to put the love they had for my little brother,ya'll pray for me cause birthdays are alway trying around here by trying i mean i am trying to keep my mouth shut and just
to them so everyone will be hap hap happy

Hey Arlies - I don't know you, but you posted a reply to one of my posts I believe. Anyway, I love your patriotic spirit and pray daily for the troops. I don't have a relative over in the Iraq area, but have a couple of friends there. I have a son in the U.S. Navy assigned to the USS Theodore Roosevelt which is in dry dock right now and going out in December. I'm praying he doesn't have to go near Iraq.
I wish only the best for your loved one who is fighting for our awesome country - it's the best - I don't care what anyone says - I believe that all this dissention between the people of the U.S.A. needs to stop and we all need to unite for the cause - no matter what people think about the current administration or how or why they make the decisions they do. What's important is that we stand behind them and not have the troops brought down in any way - their morale and well-being are at stake and they need to know that ALL Americans are behind them.
JUST MY OPINION, so all y'all anti-American, anti-Bush people, just calm down. My patriotism is deep and I don't mind saying so. My yellow ribbon is on my mailbox, my American flag is flying, and my yellow ribbon that says "Support the Troops" is on the back of my car, along with my American flag emblem.