Ashley Hardy Update
Ashley Update 7:30PM EST 7-1-04
Just spoke to Lori. Dr. Inge had just left. I hope I can get it all straight for you here.
On Tuesday, July 6th, they are going to do another endoscopy. Dilating her to 15.
Than the following week, they will remove her gallbladder. They decided against doing the hida scan. Because of how hard it would be on Ashley to lay on that table, and he already knows of the sludge in there, he felt it wasn't necessary to put her through 3 hours of pain. He is also planning to dilate her up to 20 during this surgery. Which is unheard of really.
So basically, this sounds like a revision is very likely in her future.
They started her feeds at 50 cc an hour.
Her dexascan results showed her BMI at 45, down from 60.1.
Her biopsies are not back yet. They took several because of the diarreha she is having. He is going to treat her as if she has hpilouri (sp).
Ashley has had a sore throat for weeks. He wants to know why. So while they have her asleep, he is calling in an ENT to look at her throat.
For anyone planning to visit with me on Saturday, I asked Lori what her and Ashley are drinking/eating. Lori LOVES C2. That new drink by Coke. I asked her what she ate today, and she said a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because it was free in the kitchen on the floor.
The doctor has started allowing Ashley to drink. She loves red Gatorade. She mixes it with water. And if anyone is near a store, she loves orange tic, tacs.
Okay that's what I know for now. I will be back tomorrow for another update.
Thanks for your continued prayers, and cards.