Hey Arlies,
That Zoloft works wonders.I have been on it since my little brother died 3 years ago,and when my daddy died a year ago it helped me again .God and Zoloft have kept me from losing my mind.Guess that aint gonna sound too good on a psych eval is it ? lol
oh well ....

My oh My, you have been busy!!!! I am glad your hubby is OK. My hubby drives 35 miles one way to work, and I always worry to death that he will get in a wreck. The road he travels is very curvy and he has told me numerous times that vehicles in oncoming traffic have drifted over to his lane.
I like your rhym!!! I never even thought of that!! I am so excited and not the least bit nervous!!!! You will be getting a date soon I am sure of it!!!
I will be off work Starting the first!! But if they give him any problems let me know and I will call them when I get home and get it taken care of.
Much Love,
Oh, poop, and I already told my husband to make sure he asked for you when he got there. I was going to show him your pix before he left so he would get the right person. BUT the good news is you will be getting surgery and will be a big ole looser!!! I can't wait...Yep, I should be getting a date rather soon, I hope....It's been forever..
WoooooooooooooW! What a week. I have the worries about my husband getting shot at work all the time, so I know the fear presure when it comes to worrying about a spouse. MY husband is a police office her in Clarksdale, OUR Drug world of MISS. I hope you have a better week this week. How is the hubby doing today? Hope fine. My husband has a sugar problem and found out back last Oct. when he almost lost his sight. He called me at work while he was on his way home from work almost crying cause he could not see any more than 3 feet ahead of him. I'm sure that was real scary, It scared me to see him like that as well. Atleast we got him under some kind of control, he checked it this morning and it was 106 so that is good. Well, I have to go fax more paper work to the doctors office they have my husband under my insurance and he isn't so they haven't sent his bills to his insurance as of yet so off to work on that I go. Connie