Hey Sweet folks,
Man, I disappear for a week and my name is bandied about on this board like nobodies' business!!!! I love you guys to pieces!! First let me apologize that I've not been on in a week. I usually try to reply to every new post on the MS board. I failed this week, but I am very glad to see you guys kept going!!! I won't have time to reply to all the posts, but I will have a note to each of you at the end of this post - If if leave somebody out, PLEASE chalk it up to senility....not meaness!!! Okay now for my week.
No I haven't been busy working on my new internet job. I haven't worked in a week there either. The week started out shakey when on Saturday, I recieved an item in the mail from my bank (where DH works!) and it involved my paycheck from my new little job. (Can you say BOING!!!). So I go into full panic mode, email the powers that be and let them know what's going on. I get assured that first thing Monday am just after 9 am PST (11 here) I would be getting a Western Union money gram with the amount plus the service charge. All day, Monday, no word. By Tuesday, I am about half nuts.....All day word. I can't even find out from WU whether anything has been wired to me. Finally I blow up and throw a good fit and mention things like "felony bad check", and immediately, I received the WU confirmation number. I call WU and sure enough, they have $ for me BUT it was wired TUESDAY, AT 5 PM PST!!!! (What happened to Monday right after 9 am PST, you may ask? I asked too - rather loudly!!!!) Didn't get the sorrid details, but I believe some of the companies money went walking away when they changed bank accounts...and left the owner holding the bag with NO MONEY IN IT!! He got me the $ as soon as he could. He apologized and we've made up and all is good on that front - even though I haven't worked since Tuesday, last!
Then if, I am not already half nuts with stress, DH leaves for work Wednesday am at his usually 4:30 am. Next thing I know there are lights on all over my house, and lights glaring in my bedroom window. My first thought was that a helicopter landed in my yard. (I ain't right when I first wake up). Then my DH sat down on the bed beside me and said, "Honey, you need to call the SO" (sheriff's office). Well, we live on the edge of the reseveration and I though okay, come Choctaws have gotten drunk and are fighting in my front yard...(still not awake yet). He then procedes to tell me he's had an accident. It happend about 1 mile from the house. He said he felt light headed, things blurred to white and the next thing he knew he was laying upside down in the ditch. He had a cracked rib, and chipped his elbow. He also had a gash on his elbow, and one small one on his head. The truck was totaled. He rolled it. He walked almost all the way home and some lady picked him up. In the meantime, one of the Conehatta First Responders had found it, spotted him being picked up by the lady and followed them to the house - which accounts for all the lights in the yard. The ambulance came to the house and checked him out. He declined a ride with them to the hospital. Now, in the meantime, we've got to go get the WU $ and get it into our account BEFORE it gets worse. So we go to the nearest WU agent, collect the $. Then I was going to take him to the doctor. Doctor said, no, take him to the ER where they have trauma equipment in case of internal bleeding, etc. So bad wifey here, drops the dh at the ER and speeds to Meridian to deposit the $ before you know what breaks loose! I come back, pick up DH, and find he is okay, but they said he looked like he'd been rolled around inside a vehicle - no sh** Sherlock!! Okay, so then all is calm, but the ER told dh to go to his regular dr about the lightheadness and fading to white - which dh then proceeds to tell me that this has been going on for about a month.......DH gets a note from ER so he doesn't have to wor****il MOnday. He insists he is going to work on Monday in my truck and will see the dr later this week. Can you say HE** NO??? I sure did!!! I told him, no driving until Dr B okayed him, so Thursday we go to the dr and find out it is probably his sugar dropping because the nitwit took his insulin and ate 1 piece of toast and headed out. Gave him the okay to drive, but told him to eat breakfast, and take his insulin AFTER he gets to work. Whew!!!
Then my lawyer calls, and wants me in Jackson on Friday about 1 pm. (I have a case in federal court pending against a former employer) Anywho, one of the defendants had given a deposition that knocked me out of the water. The judge was fixing to dismiss my case. Well, the deposition was full of false statements, and I had to go refute it. So I spent ALL afternoon at the lawyer's office. He also requests that my brother come in first thing Monday am and give a deposition concerning what one of the former employers said to him concerning the incident. So here we go back Monday am. Not only does he take my brother's deposition, he also takes my sister's AND THEN we redo mine to include more info. I got home about 8:30 last night!!! As for Saturday and Sunday, I slept as much as possible.
So that's where I been and what I been doing.....
CPAP lady will be here about 4 pm today to fix me up with my machine!!! I am excited about that....good sleep is on the horizon....
Now you guys,
KELLI - Thank God that River Region turned you down!!!! Dr Cleveland is the best, and I have heard rumors about the hospital - not the doctor's - at River Region. I would not be comfortable there. God was looking out for you!!! It's hard to be denied, but I am thinking, it probably saved your life or some bad complications.
KRISTI - I forgot to tell you that they draw blood from a deep artery...Mine didn't hurt though, she got it first poke. What hurt me was the finger *****! She jabbed while I wasn't expecting it. Wasn't that psych test wonderful? Did you find yourself looking around and wondering if you SHOULD be thinking some of those things???? When I took one a couple of years back, they put me at a table in a tiny little room - only big enough for a table and chair, asked me if I was claustrophobic (no) and closed the door. About 3 days later when I finished filling in all the little slots, I told the doctor that if I wasn't crazy before the test, I certainly was after!!!!
SUSAN - Every step closer is great!!! Keep your chin up and it will all soon be here for you!
DONNA LOOSER - thanks for worrying about me! I am so glad that you are feeling better. I hate that you have open spots on your incision, I know how you feel, I had one after a C-section. It took 3 months to heal, but it was ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO THE INSIDE. YEECH!!! Thanks too for keeping us updated on Ashley. I am just so glad you feel better!!!
ANGIE- A date!!!! A very important date!!! No time to say hello, goodbye, A DATE, A DATE, A DATE.... (paraphrasing the White Hare!) Yeah!!! I've heard such good things about Dr. King. I am so happy and jealous of you!!!! I think my son came to visit you earlier this week. His cell phone was lost or stolen (AGAIN!!), and I think my DH (lost his in the wreck) is coming to visit you on Saturday, if you are working...Jim King, son is Jon King...
ANGELA BLOUNT- Hey, nice to meet you!!! I will post any and all meetings that I hear about on this site, so keep checking back with us....
SHERRY PENN - Hang in there. I know it takes forever, but time has a way of flying. I love Dr. Blake, but Kristi loves Dr. Salameh, so either is a good choice.
ELESHA MCCARTY - Nice to meet you!!! Good to have you with us!!
Smoochies & Hugs!!!

Got my CPAP machine today...Gonna sleep like a top tonight and feel great tomorrow!!! I do stress, but mostly the paycheck got to me...DH could lose his job since he works at the bank...But since none of our stuff bounced so we are okay.... But when it rains, it pours on me!!!!
That's okay, cause God still loves me anyhow...
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, and i really look forward to meeting you soon at one of the meetings! I am so sorry you had such a ruff week and I am glad to hear that you and your DH are ok...I hope you get your CPAP machine (my son was on one for several months after he was born, and a vent also) so you can get some well deserved rest.
Angela Blount

Mrs. Arlies!
I love you so much girl! I have missed you!
I am sooo sorry to hear about your week, you just can't seem to catch a break lately. And after reading your post and your week I feel so guilty about complaining about that darn psych eval. (although, you're right, it will MAKE YOU CRAZY just bubbling in all those dang bubbles...esp with a super-dull pencil,) LOL.
Anyhoo....I KNOW YOU HAVE BETTER DAYS AND SUNNY SKIES (maybe not literally sunny skies, lol) AHEAD OF YOU BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT LADY!! You are the glue that holds this message board together and we miss you when you are gone. However, you are excused for your absence due to su*****redible cir****tances, LOL.
Love You!
God Bless!