Hi Arlies,
Im' glad to be joining in to the message board so long after my surgery.
I'm one of those rare,few individuals that had extreme complications. I had Lap RNY 08/03. Two days later I was rushed to emergency surgery. I had a intestine rupture and was septic, with peritonitis. I was opened up and after about a 9 hour surgery that removed my spleen and reattached my semi digested organs and a lot of washing out of my insides, I woke in the ICU where I had been for about a week on heavy morphine. I had made it through the few nights where my chances had not been so good of making it.
I had a G tube and a large open wound (about 12"x10") that had to heal "from the inside out." After about three weeks I was sent home with the feeding tube, with the wound that had to be repacked 3x a day. Two weeks later I was back in the hospital to have an internal infection drained. Some complications, so another week in the hospital.
4 months later, still on the feeding tube, but by now I was eating the dairy, eggs, soup and even adding chicken. But the wound was just not closing at any rate. So,back into the hospital during Thanksgiving to have a skin graft to cover the opening (Ouch that donor site) and to have the G tube removed. After another week in the hospital, I'm back at home. Because my abdomen area has no muscle tissue behind it, just a THIN layer of skin, I still must wear an abdominal binder, and will be in one until I have the surgery to restore my stomach muscles in place and remove my excess skin.
I've gone from Approx.370lbs 08/03 to 222lbs 06/18. I'm walking about 3 miles every other day and have started working out with weights 3 days a week. I never had the hair loss issues that some have and I am following the diet information from my Dr. religiously.
Even with all of the complications, that won't end until next summer when I plan to have my skin restored, I would do all again in a second. I'll be far healthier in my mid-50's, than I ever was in my 30's.
That's my story in a nutshell. Thanks for all of your encouragement to everyone on this site.
I've been a passive observer until just recently. Hopefully I have some good advice that I've gathered from others that I can pass on.
I'll have to look up the Murphy boys in the Fall.
God Bless,
Hey Dex,
I think you are my new super hero!!! Whoo, you had it rough! But on the bright side 148 lbs gone in less than a year!!! You go, man!!! Boy, it just makes me want to run to Jackson, and say do my surgery NOW!!!! (Not the complications, part! The weight loss part!) I know it's a good piece from Oxford, but we do have meetings in Meridian and in Jackson. Even though the one in Jackson is sponsored by UMMC, it is open to all. The one in Meridian, is an offshoot of the CMMC group in Jackson, and it too is open to all. We'd all love to see you at one or both!! There is also a Yahoo group that you might be interested in...They meet in Jackson. Dave has gotten that group together. I live about 75 miles from Jackson and about 35 from Meridian, so I will have to chose just one of the Jackson ones, and it'll have to be the UMMC one because it is required by Dr. Blake. He ACTUALLY comes to the meetings. Here's the Yahoo group address (It's actually to the log on page.)
Hopefully, we will sneak that by.......
Hi All
How is everyone ?fine , I hope. I guess you could call ,me a stay at home mother right now.I have been a waitress in a bar (1 year) and a waitress in a restaurant(2years) a aide in a nursing home for (2 years) and a school bus driver
for (5years)and a security guard for (3 years).that's my not so exciting work history .....

Hello Arlies, I hope things are going good for you. Well, I am a retired Special Education Teacher, secretary, teacher assistant, Mother at home until my divorce. I was a stay at home mom until 1985. Went to college at age 42 and got my degree in education. Started teaching 1994, had a heart attack in 1998. So now I am a disabled stay at home GranJan. My most favorite!!!!
Smiles, Jan
Hello Arlies,
I am sorry that I have been away from the board for so long. To let all of you know that I am 4 months out and I am down 73 lbs. My surgeon's name is Dr. Stephen Sudderth. He is located in Vicksburg at River Region. I had no complications at all. I look and feel like a totally different person. I tell you that it feels wonderful to be able to polish my toe nails with out grunting and loosing my breath! LOL! I have been married to my DH since high School (10 years). I have two handsome little boys. They are 8 & 3. I am by trade a Network Engineer. I have been on the following jobs
Accounting Clerk
2nd Grade Teacher
Administrative Assistant
Quality Control Assistant
Master Control Technician
Customer Service Representative
I just got a promotion and my new job title will be Accountant/Auditor. I am so excited.
If anyone needs my help let me know....
I am a mother of one daughter and a grandmother of a wonderful two year old little boy. They live with me, so I get to spend my spare time with him. Other than for my health, he is the major reason I want to have this surgery. It is so hard playing with him now, and I want to be able to play ball with him when he gets a little older. I have worked as a 5th and 6th grade teacher, sales associate at McRae's, and a senior secretary at UMC where I am now. I also one day would like to go back to teaching. I just do not think I could do it right now. May be after the surgery.