Hey Gang,
I been awfully busy lately...I am working from home on the internet...and getting sleep tests, etc. I have been missing you guys bunches. I so enjoyed meeting all the new(to me) folks last Tuesday night. Ralph, I called Ann and she said to tell Kathy she was sending invisible make believe chocolate kisses!!!! I had the best time in my little group and the lecture was good. I am glad I already have a psychiatrist, because I think I could develop a big ole crush on Dr (Mr?) Frasier!!!!! The bad news I got was I may not have surgery as soon as I think. Dr. Blake is extra-ordinarily busy, so that will probably push me bac****il after school starts! BOO HISS!!!!
Okay, Here's our roll call question!!!!!
I am a stay at home Momma, who has a work at home job on the internet called "telesurveying". I don't sell anything - I couldn't sell anything if I tried!!! I have also been in my past, a Red Cross Assistant Station Manager, Red Cross Station Manager, high school math teacher, Jr college math teacher, Red Cross after hours worker, a telemarketer (for about 10 minutes once!), and a Justice Court clerk. (DH is retired military so that accounts for the ARC jobs!!!) I have also sold avon and baskets - big flop at both!!!
Okay, tell me your work secrets!!!!
Smoochies & Hugs

Hey, girl.. im a nurse at family health center in laurel ms. I'm also a mom of three children that range from 21 down to 10. Mind you that they all think that I'm completly stupid.
I have my appt. with dr. blake in sept.
I just hope that it will be quick because I am really ready for this.
Tell me about the job that you do on the internet. It sounds really interesting. I hope you get a date soon.....

I call folks and survey them about their visits to auto dealerships. Usually it is fun. I meet alot of interesting folks, and have only met a couple of grouchies...I won't get rich off this, but I do earn an extra penny or two. Email me if you are interested in some part time work.
I have a 12 year old and a 20 year old. My 20 year old is beginning to think I have gotten a little smarter here lately! My 12 year still thinks I know quite a bit. That'll change in Nov. when we become a teenager!!!
If I was you, I would go ahead and schedule stuff like psych eval, pulmonary, and sleep test - just get your PCP to refer you to where you want to go. I'd do the sleep test, local...My appt for my sleep test in Jackson was for Oct 8 or 13. I did it in Meridian at Anderson's last week.
Hi Everyone... I am here....
I am waiting impatiently to hear what insurance has to say.... I will call on Tuesday if I dont hear from them on Monday.
Jobs I have had....
Right now I am a Stay At Home Mom...
Here is my list..
Accounts Recievable and Payable Clerk
Customer Service
The best job is the one I do now.

Hi Everyone... I am here....
I am waiting impatiently to hear what insurance has to say.... I will call on Tuesday if I dont hear from them on Monday.
Jobs I have had....
Right now I am a Stay At Home Mom...
Here is my list..
Accounts Recievable and Payable Clerk
Customer Service
The best job is the one I do now.

Hey Arlies...I know you already know what I do, but for those of you that don't know:
I am a Children and Youth Therapist with Weems Mental Health Center. I work in the schools during the school year to see my clients and have groups during the summer (I have 9 "darling" little kids in my group this summer from age 5 to 10 and it's about to drive me crazy, LOL)
I also work at a tanning salon nights part time and have worked there for about 4 years.
And I work on an "as needed" basis as Secret Shopper at area businesses.
Finally...I think that getting all my pre-op work done since mid April has become a part time job too.....I call all the doctor's offices to build report with the nurses, research on the internet to see what all i have to get done, and have become quite persistant and effective at getting what i want, LOL. I am very nice and polite about all of it b/c I know they get a gazillion phone calls a day.
I'm a freelance Scenic Designer working all over the country. Vegas, New York, Chicago, Boston, Branson, Toronto, etc. I was based out of Atlanta for 14 years but now I live and work out of Oxford MS. I'm a Professor of Scenic Design at Ole Miss, and I take a couple of my Graduate students with me on each trip. I still design about 12 shows a year out and about. I go to Boston to open the first Non-Disney production of Beauty and the Beast at Northshore Music Theatre in a couple of weeks. It's mostly a lot of drawing at my computer with some quick trips thrown in to visit the various scene shops and see how their doing with my drawings. I'm a member of the union for Designers, United Scenic Artists Local 829 out of New York. To my knowledge, I'm the only one in Mississippi. Fun life getting paid to do what I love.
Now after my WLS the flights into the cities are so much more accommodating.
New to the site-
Hey Dex,
Glad to meet you!!! I know there is only about a bazillion students at Ole Miss, so you surely must know my nephew, Andy Murphy. He is in summer school up there now, and has been at Ole Miss for 2 years. His major is band, and he is one of those magnificent drummers....His Brother, Josh Murphy (saxophone player), will be up there in the fall, too.
Your job sounds wonderful!!! My son, Jon, currently ECCC dropout and going to attend MCCC in the fall, is the artist in our family, but he is also going to major in music or guitar. He has a little band that is working real hard to get a start.
How long since the WLS? How much have you lost??? I am going to look up your profile.
Stick with us...We want to hear more interesting things from you!!!