Sleep Apnea.....
I got my results from my sleep test. I found out that I have mild sleep apnea. I quit breathing 13 times during the night, and I may be wrong, but I didn't think that was too bad, cause some folks quit breathing 400 times a night!!! The doctor said my real problem is snoring (my dh said "No sh**, Sherlock!!") that I woke myself up constantly snoring...I didn't know, I was oblivious! I went back on Wednesday night of this week for another sleep-in at Anderson's. I was fitted for a mask, wired up, and hooked to the CPAP machine. It sort of made me panicky at first, but then I relaxed and went to sleep. I think I felt better on Thursday than usual, but I really did enjoy (yeah, I know, I am a bit off about things, aren't I???) being hooked up to the CPAP - the trick is to relax and not think about it. But I guess I did think about it because I had all these dreams about being on oxygen and having to carry oxygen tanks with me!! Today, I am going to call Dr. Blake's office and see how long it's gonna be before I get my surgery date. I think I am threw with all the pre-ops except for picking up my CPAP machine. Hopefully the surgery is now in sight!!!!
Smoochies & Hugs

HI. I have been on CPAP for about six years now. I do not think I could sleep without it now. I just got a call from the Obesity Clinic clearing me for surgery. They said they faxed Dr. Blake this afternoon. I guess I will find out something soon. I am going to call next week and check. It was the last report they were waiting on. May be we will have ours at the same time.
kristi from Meridian and I have been talking about being roomies, but I think she may beat me to the punch!!! I am afraid it may still be quite a while before I have surgery. I called Kristy, at Dr. Blakes"s office, and left her a message to call me and tell me what all I need - what info has been faxed and who I need to get on to!!!
Please remind me what you look like. I remember your name, but can't put a face to it. It's the senility thing going on, I think.....
I talked to you after the meeting while you were sitting on the couch and walked out with you and your daughter. There was also another lady there too, but I do not remember what her name was. I remember faces better than I remember names. I am going to call Kristy sometime this week and make sure they have everything they need. I hope the surgery will be sometime in August though.