A bit of solace for our sorrow.....
A bit of solace for our sorrow.....
Some of you who are old enough to remember Ryan White (18 year old hemophilic who died of aids received from a blood transfusion), may remember what his mom told him about dying. I have remembered it and passed it on to my kids. For those who don't remember or didn't know, Ryan's mom told him that as a babe prior to birth, he was so happy in the womb...he was warm, safe, snug, and did not want to come out. He fought to stay in his little world because he could not imagine anything better than that warm, dark, safe spot. But then he was forced out during childbirth. He grew to think this world was the most wonderful place to be - Just think how much more wonderful it was than being in that hot, cramped, dark, wet womb. As he neared the end of his life, she continually impressed upon him that prior to birth, he could not imagine a better world than he had. Then he got this world. Now he could not imagine a better place than this, but upon dying, he would be born into another world, God's Heaven, and it will turn out to be so much more wonderful than this world, he will not understand how he could have ever thought this world was the best place to be. That new heavenly world, will make this earthly world look just about as wonderful as being in a hot, cramped, dark, wet place....There will be no comparision.
I offer this story to each of you for solace in our time of grief, because you know Momma Angel had a strong faith in God, and her new world is too wonderful to even compare to this one.....
Much love to each and all,
Hi Arlies,
I remember Ryan White
and I got chill bumps remembering him , it brought tears to my eyes. Momma Angel would definitley not want to come back to this world after laying eyes on heaven ,I have a little brother and a father who have been in heaven for 3 years now
and ,I have to keep telling myself that when i get to missing them so bad it hurts ,they would not want to come back here after setting eyes on heaven.I feel so bad for Moma Angel's family right now because ,all the people in the world can't quell that kind of pain only God and time can ...... .......Sherry.........

Hello Arlies, Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful and hopeful story that Ryan's mother shared with him. It is so true that when we see heaven and meet Jesus we will never wish to come back to this place. Momma Angel has added much joy to heaven. Can't you just see her up there careing for others?
In Jesus Christ,