Post from main board Karen Barrett
Original Post by Karen Barrett at 8:46 PM PST on 06/07/2004
Gulfport, MS - RNY (04/20/2004)
Well Heya Amos Family.. Long time no see
I knwo its been a while since I have posted just a lot of things going on over here I am sure you all know how that goes... I've missed it tremendously.... SO let me fill you all in on whats been going on...
To date in 7 weeks I have lost 53 pounds.. Down from 352 to 299.. My first goal UNDER 300 pounds I hit yesterday wooohooooooo... I am down from a 28/30 to a 22 YAYYYYYYYYY!! I had a 20 skirt on the other dy but it was tight but heck I still got it on I have been able to walk 3 miles, dance to 4 songs in a row without using my inhaler, cross my legs (praise the lorrd) Tie my own shoes, run up the stairs after the kids and catch them without being out of breath...hahah I like that one... My relationship with my Father has improved 100 fold.. he compliments me and talks to me and its awesome.. People I havent seen dont recognize me.. adn its only been 7 weeks tomorrow... Andres my boyfriend in NY still has not seen me except my face and he flys in on June 30th.. That should be interesting, lol... I just feel so much better... I am still having alot of problems with my sleep patterns cant sleep at night and am tierd all day... I have been getting sick a few times lately and figured that I dont well on sugar alcohols or milk sugars. I can drink skim milk but thats it.
Oh another thing.. you knwo that survey they have on here that you can fill out takes about 30 minutes or so.. well I did it like a month ago... and got a 50$ check today in the mail so it does work
OMG and I hulahooopppeedddddddd yesterday and I DID IT GOOD. lol
Well I want to apologize for not keeping up with everyone but life just got to much for a bit But I am going to start posting more..I miss my friends on here something fierce;)
SKipping off with hula hoop, and peanut butter pickle Looking around for tooter
The ever Shrinking Woman
Lap RNY April 2004
352/299/A NEW LIFE