Wishy Washy Husband!!
Hey everyone,
Gotta quick question. My husband is gonna drive me insane.
Ever since I submitted my stuff to INS (end of Feb) he has been getting wierder and wierder! We have been married 15 months almost 16. And he was all gung hoe for me to do this, very supportive and everything. But here over the last few months he seems to be growing more and more distant. I have tried to talk to him about it and he says nothing is wrong, but I think there is. I told him about a month ago (right b4 I got approved) that this freak that comes into work and flirts with me is grossing me out and his only comment was 'once you start loosing weight they'll be flirting all the time'. Well wierd as it might seem I was flattered by him saying that. Anyway since then he just seems to be drifting away. I have talked to his sister and she said it was insecurities on his part. (could not believe THAT) But I need some advice on how to make him understand that although my exterior will change, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HIM! It's not like he is MO he is 161 lbs right this second and 6 ft tall. Not an ounce of fat on this Man! I have been telling him everyday how much I Love him, and how proud I am to be his wife, sending him little mushy e-mails, the whole 9 yards. But he still won't say what is bothering him. He just tells me nothing is wrong.
I just need some advice. I think maybe his sister is right and that he is worried I will leave him when this over with and I have lost weight. Cannot imagine Y he would think this, but his sister told me he had a real Jealous streak and maybe he was worried it would bare it's ugly head and cause problems. OMG, what I would do to have a MAN be Jealous over me! Or that maybe he was trying to prepare himself for heart break. I am 110% commited to this man and he should know this. I have NEVER given him reason to think of me betraying him and he knows this. Can ya'll please give me some advice on how to get him to open up. Our communication has never been an issue until lately.
Thank you all,

Hey sweetie,
I asked my dh if he was afraid I'd go wild when I lost weight and leave him (married 21 years) and he said, "no, I trust you completely." Made me SO mad!!! I wanted to bop him - I'd not mind a tad of jealousy on his part!!! But I guess we are both too old and tired!!! lol
Seriously, though, shower him with love. And ask him point blank if he is worried about you leaving or finding other men more attractive after you lose weight. Then set him straight! Make sure he knows that you want a man that loves you - not just the thickness or thinness of your body. If they can't see you for who you are now, why would you give them the time of day, when some pounds are gone????? And then just keep the smoochies and stuff going!!!!! - they like that!!!
Love ya,