Hey gang!!! Guess what??
I got a call last night about 8:45 and a lady asked me if I wanted to come on to Anderson's and do my sleep study. Yeah Buddy!!!! Off, I tore!!! I got there, got wired up, lay down, and all I could think was I HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP.....I HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP.....I HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP.... For about 2 hours! Finally I said, I need something to make me sleep. I was not comforable on my back, but I was as comfortable as they could get me. I had 2 pillows under my knees, a pillow under my head and the head of the bed elevated about a fraction of an inch. Finally, I guess I went to sleep. Because they came in and woke me up and told me to sleep on my side for a while. I am a side sleeper, so that was no problem. Then a little before 7, I had to go potty, and I told them that. I thought it was about 3 am. It was pitch dark in my room, no clocks, and the technician had turned my air down to polar (at my request). Then they announced after my little trip, that I was to stay awake until they told me to nap. It wasn't long, until I napped. Then they woke me up for breakfast. I had been told that I would probably have to nap at 7,9,11,1, and 3, since I was late coming in. Not a problem, but after my 7 am nap, they told me they had enough data and I could go home. So I go back on June 14 to get the results, and if all is well, shortly after that, I will get my surgery appt!!!! If things didn't go well, I will have some other appts to go through depending on what the doctor advises..
Yeah!!! One step closer...
Smoochies & hugs

Hi Arlies, I am glad you have the sleep study behind you. Wasn't it weird? I was like you, I knew I was suppose to go to sleep, but just couldn't. I think it took me about 3 hours to go to sleep.So is this the last thing you have to do before surgery? I am so happy for you. Hey, when is the support meeting at UMC for June? I really am looking forward to meeting you. You take care,
Smiles, Jan
Hey, Yep, it was weird!! But I feel better now!! It only took me 2 hours to go to sleep, and I usually go to sleep almost immediately! Unless there is a problem with something on the sleep study, that's the last appt before I get a surgery date. I expect that I will go in and see Dr. Blake at least once before surgery. I haven't heard about the support meeting date, but will call this am and find out. I will post it when I know....Can't wait to see you for real, too!!