Dietician Appointment...
Hey gang,
I had my dietician appointment. For those who are wanting to know, here's what happened....
First thing after you go into the back, they weigh you (UGH!!!), get your height (I grew 2 1/2 inches, since April 13!!! ??????), and stick your finger for the diabetes test. My Blood sugar was 86 - that's good!!! Then you go back further into the maze and FINALLY a doctor (nurse/Practioner) comes in and asks you bunches of questions...then you get nakey....well, you get to keep your unders and socks, and she listens and pokes and prods, then you get dressed and go down to the lab and have all your blood drawn out!!!! 4 or 5 vials.... Now, if you haven't had a sleep study and you are lucky, like me! then you get to sit around and wait forever until the sleep doctor comes in. Now, the only sympton I have is snoring.....But he seemed convinced that I had sleep apnea and would die instantly!!!! (He didn't say that, but he was sort of hypercondriackish, and I mentioned that if I get cold, then get snugged up with a pillow and blankey, I go to sleep. He about freaked!!! I thought he was going to pull my driver's license right then and there!!! Made me promise if I get sleepy driving, I will pull over and nap. I AM NOT NARCOLEPTIC!!!!!! He sort of had narcolepsy and apnea confused, I think....) Anyhow, he was real nice, but tended to over re-act....So I am getting a sleep study in about 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!! I bout had a fit...But he said to call in every other day, and they would move it up. I have to call this afternoon for the appt. I am considering going to Meridian, but if I stick with UMC then I won't be out any $ for co-pay and co-share. so I am thinking.... Anywhos, I have to go see the old PCP this am since I am about out of some meds.... Will talk more later.... Don't be skert, they only take half your blood!!!!WAH HAAAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
(I learned that from Karen Barrett)
Smoochies & Hugs
PS Met a bunch of other posties.....Will say hi later to them!!1

Arlies, thanks for the laughter! You make it all sound so funny. I love that. Well, I am so glad this is over for you. Maybe they won't take anymore blood until you can Grow some more.HaHa I have had a sleep study done and it is so crazy. They hook you up to all the wires in the hospital and then say go to sleep!!!!!! I also had a MAN sit there beside me all nigh****ching me sleep. But, there is no pain to this because the wires are connected with gook on the surface. Well, congrats for getting this next step done. You are getting closer. Have a good day.
Smiles, Jan