God is Good!!
Hey All!!
God is so good to me and I don't know what all I could have done to deserve it. Here's my latest....
I went yesterday (May 19th- My mom's bday) to meet with Dr. Hull to have an evaluation for a sleep study. He told me that they were really backed up and the first appointment they had was June 29. Well, I was a little disheartened b/c I know I have to get clear from that appt. before Dr. Salameh's office will make the other appts. I need before surgery. I asked Dr.Hull's nurse to put me on the Call list b/c I only live a few blocks from the hospital and could come on short notice.
Then...they called me at 9:30 last night and asked could I come right then? "COULD I??? OF COURSE I CAN!" . Anyhoo, I dind't have any trouble at all going to sleep and when they woke me up this morning they told me that b/c I didn't snore but a few times (i was surprised..i live by myself so I really didn't know how much I snore) that I would have to stay for the day for some Nap Studies. So basically I had to call in to work and tell them "im sorry, I can't come in today b/c I have to stay in the hospital and nap on command today" (I've been asked to do much worse than sleep all day, lol.
The nurse couldnt give me much info but she said that if I did have Sleep Apnea that she felt that it was very very mild. I meet with their doc. in a few weeks to get my results.
Then the second blessing came. I have only been on my job for about 8 months so I have no personal time and I used up the last of my sick time (I only earn 4 hours a month) with my consult with Dr. Salameh earlier this month. When I called my boss to tell her i wasn't coming in she reminded me that "i wouldnt earn any sick leave for this month and not only would i be docked for today but for the two days we get for Memorial day too" she also wanted me to make sure that I was "keeping my job as my first priority" HA HA I wanted to tell her that I can deal with the loss of time and money, but I'm looking at the big picture here and not just my job. Besides...my priorities are straight God #1, Family #2, My Surgery #3, and somewhere after that.... my JOB!
Anyway..here's the blessing. The only way for me to "earn" leave time is to do a week's worth of emergency duty "being on call" and I get a day off of work within that same month. I'm not scheduled for duty until October but can take it from somebody if they want to give it up. My phone rings right when i get home and it's a coworker of mine wanting to know if I can help him out and take his emergency duty in JUNE! YIPPEE! I know I will probably have some sort of appt. in June so that keeps me from getting docked pay!
I know I rambled on, but I have always been told that when God blesses you that you are supposed to tell people about it! AND I AM BLESSED!! Everytime that God opens a door for me with these appts. it makes me feel that much more assurance that this surgery is what he wants for me!
God Bless

Yeah, He is!!!! As my nephew Cody, age 19, likes to say, "I believe God is saying 'All systems are go!'" God always looks after us even when we don't have good sense!!! Kristi I am so glad for you!!! Things are moving along really good!!! You will probably end up having surgery real soon!!! I hope so. Keep us posted!!!!
Smoochies & Hugs