Where is everybody it sure is quiet here?
Hey Sherry,
I have been on line all night, but I was working on my home business. Now I am pooped!!! How are you getting along? I got to meet Kristi from Meridian and Mary Williams last night at UMC support group in Jackson. They are very sweet and wonderful!!! Wish you could have been there.
Hey Arlies,How have you been ?
Thanks for replying, It is lonesome here on the board without ya . So how is the business going? I hope it is going well.I hate that I was not able to go to the support group meet I would have loved to meet everyone
I had my Vocational Rehab meeting yesterday and I was wondering how long do I give the doctor's office to call me to set up a consult before I start calling them lol .Oh and btw I am going to be paying close attention to how things go with you and Dr. Blake because unless they (VocRehab) change things he is the one that I am suppose to see.and it won't be a minute too soon I have been haveing trouble staying awake lately almost like I have narcolepsy if that makes any sense my pcp says it is the thyroid or the diabetes or the high blood pressure or the fluid build up who knows lol I am just tired of being tired lol ...................Sherry

Well, I have unlimited longdistance for $25 a month. I (in 3 days of sporatic work) have made enough to pay for it!!!! The rest is gravy!!! There will be another meeting next month in Jackson at UMC. I think they are the 3rd Thursday of the month. I will post when I get more info. Dr. Blake is a sweetheart!!! I have a crush on him already!!!