Karen Barrett post from main board
Just an update for the MIA WLS SUPER HERO
Original Post by Karen Barrett at 9:00 PM PST on 05/17/2004
Gulfport, MS - RNY (04/20/2004)
Heya My AMOS family
Yes I know I have been MIA quite a bit lately.. Just so much going on with the kids getting out of school wensday for the summer My Oldest graduated from elementary school today, so Now he is officially a 6th grader and in Junior High WOOHOOOO I am so proud
I also went to the Doctor today for my one month check up.. Well it will be 4 weeks tomorrow, I guess one month on teh 20th.. Shrugs I dont know how that works.. WELL............I actually for the first time in forever got to weigh myself on one of those metal sliding scales... lol I have always been to big to fit on them... WEll I fit!!!!!!! My starting weight was 352....and today I weighed in at .........312 WOOHOOOO a loss of 40 pounds DOing HAPPY DANCE Singing IM SOOO EXCITED, IM SOO EXCITED!! and I JUST CANT HIDE IT Ok I wont quit my day job
I am also feeling a lot better not hurting that much on my left side anymore...I am actually sleeping in My bed now which OMG is awesome... I am not lactose friendly I have discovered... SUgar free ice cream is a NO NO NO NO NO for me as is carb countdown milk, lol.. Not my friend at all;)
The only problem I am having is as I am losing weight my stomach is hanging lower, and its rubbing against my thigh a little and causing a rash which is very un comfortable, but hey I am a picture taking fool, and documenting EVERYTHINGGGGG!!!!! My Doctor wants me to start walking 2 miles a day which to me right now seems impossible but I am going to work my hardest at it SO there is my Update.. I have missed the boards soooo muchhhhhh....SIghhh POUT But I will be on more often now the kids are out of school
The ever shrinking MINI ME Skipping off with my hula hoop, and my peanut butter pickle dressed in my WLS SUPER HERO COSTUME... Spandex central, lol