Hi Barbara!
Isn't it great!! I love my profile! First you need to Email [email protected]. and tell them you want your profile spruced up and they will email you back with the info they need.
While you are waiting for the reply go to google and search on "free web sets" to find a set that you like. Warning!!! There are Bazillions!! Mine came from the lavenderfrog.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk, and I liked alot of them on abitbuggydesigns.com and also on classicthemes.co.uk/index.html
Don't forget the www. in the front of the sites. I looked for DAYS! I really wanted Peter Rabbit, Beatrix Potter type theme, but then I found the Queen one and I used it since I call myself that sometimes on the boards. I liked it okay at first, but when I saw the finished product, I LOVE it!! Thank you for the compliment!!! Will I see you Tuesday night in Jackson???
Here's what you do to get a beautiful profile. This was emailed to me by one of the volunteers. You will need to email the following info to [email protected]
To have your profile spruced up:
Please provide the information below and send back as soon as possible, and as soon as a volunteer is available you will be contacted.
1. If you have a link to web set that you would like please provide that link. If you do not have a link please continue on to the next question.(NOTE FROM ARLIES--- I "GOOGLED" ON "FREE WEB SETS" AND FOUND MORE THAN i COULD LOOK AT!!!)
2. What is your log in name for ObesityHelp.com?
3. Password for ObesityHelp.com? (Please note you can go in and change your password to something generic before we start and give us that one. Then when we are done we encourage you to change it back to what you want it as. To do this, please sign in to your personal account center, then click on general info, there is then a line that says password and password confirm. You can alter those as needed, and then click on the Update My File Button.)
4. What colors would you like on your profile?
5. What type of theme or special interest would you like your page to include? (Examples: flowers, bears, angels, ocean, water, etc)
6. Would you like music in the background if so what type? Please note we can only put on music in midi format. No wav file or MP3s. If you could please do a search for the midi you would like and send us that link. Or send us at least 3 song titles/artists to search for as many times first choice may not be available.
7. What about any other special web features like counters etc? If you want a counter, please go to one of the below sites and sign up for a counter. Then once a volunteer has contacted you, please give them the information that the site gave you and they can put up your counter for you.
www.bravenet.com or www.sitemeter.com or http://hit-counter.udub.com/ or http://www.zcounter.com/register.php
How about any of our *New Featured* items:
8. Would you like to hear your recorded voice on your profile? Most people can do it right on their own computers with no special software.
9. If your surgeon has a website and you would like it linked on your page, please provide us with his/her link and we will add that for you.
10. Do you have sleep apnea? If so, would you like to add a link to sleephelpusa.com, a sister site of ObesityHelp.com?
11. Or would you like to add links to or about WLS resources, BMI calculator, sleep apnea, or other co-morbidities? The whole mission of ObesityHelp is to get the word out about Obesity and its related conditions and adding links to your profiles or personal web pages like this can really help.