OT: THE Wedding
Hey folks,
Been to THE wedding!!! My nephew, the first of the nieces and nephews to have a BIG wedding, got married this morning. It was wonderful. It was outside between the thunder storms!!! And the birds and froggies sang the WHOLE time. The big oak trees were full of Spanish Moss, and it was on top of a hill (Nance Hill) and you could see forever and back again!!! Then the reception was at the Methodist Church in Newton. More food that I have EVER seen, and I watched people eat (I ate too). You know, people eat ALOT and they aren't bashful about it either!!! The wedding cake tasted like wedding cake, what can I say, I don't like that nasty icing! The groom's cake was TOO rich to eat, but Uncle George (age 85) ate my piece for me and with my fork!!! The best was the chocolate dipped strawberries. It was wonderful!!! And when he said, "You may kiss the bride", Nathan laid one on Lauren and I thought they might suffocate before they came up for air!!! It was a hoot!!!
Both my sisters wore hats and looked so lovely - they didn't let me in on the hat thing!!! Oldest brother was in a new pinstrip suit and looked great. My other brother was best man (his son's wedding) and was FINE in his tux!! All the other nephews (3 in the wedding) were so handsome, I got teared up! Aunt Jeanette (age 87) was there looking gorgeous. She had told me that she was going to wear a pants suit, but she wore a skirt and blouse. I said to her at the wedding, "I thought you were going to wear pants." She said, "I am - You just can't see them." I said, "let's keep it that way!!!" Then we got the giggles! She's great! Aunt Kate, Aunt Jeanette's sister was there. She's 83 and married to Uncle George. PEOPLE IF YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR ELDERLY RELATIVES - GET TO KNOW THEM! THEY ARE SUM'IN' ELSE!! BTW, Aunt Jeanette lives in Jackson and Uncle George and Aunt Kate in Pearl.
It was a beautiful wedding and a wonderful reception and a good time was had by all.
And how was your Saturday?
Smoochies & Hugs 
I love weddings!