The devil is sneaking into my mind.....
Hey everybody!
I need major support from ya'll. I have been so ecstatic ever since my initial consult with Dr. Salameh when he told me that I was the "perfect candidate". I have been daydreaming about buying new clothes, going for a JOG, going to the beach, etc.
But the last few days the Devil has been slipping into my head and saying to me some nasty stuff like "something is going to go're not going to get the surgery"..."your doc is going to stop taking Voc Rehab"...."you know it's just meant for you to live the rest of your life severely obese"..."don't get your hopes up too soon young lady, you'll be let down".
I think I had been resigned to the fact that I would be this size my whole life and now that I actually have a reason to believe that I might not have to live life this way IM SCARED TO DEATH THAT THE SURGERY IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! I want nothing more in the world than this surgery and to be happy and healthy!!
I have been praying everynight for reassurance, but God knows me well, and he knows that I listen way too much to those little demons in my head that say negative things to me all the time.
Has anybody out there ever known anyone that went for the initial consult with their doctor, was told that they were a good candidate for the surgery, and THEN not been able to have it for some reason or another? What, if any, might be a reason or some reasons to be denied the surgery after the initial meeting with the surgeon?
Thanks and I love all of you for your continued support!

on 5/9/04 3:28 pm - Pensacola, FL
on 5/9/04 3:28 pm - Pensacola, FL
Heya Kristi Darlin
Ok words of wisdom... Think Positive...THings are going to happen when they are ready to happen
I was on a waiting list for a month before I got the call and it drove me nuts.... Flick that little devil of your shoulder adn replace it with an angel whether its a family member or a freind on here... Anytime you have a negitive talk.. Talk to them adn they will POSITIZE YA, lol... You know there is alwasy someone watching this board so if you ever need a pick me up we are here
Even though this board is not that active the people that post reguarly are awesome, and always here to listen
Everything is going to work out just fine sweety you watch
The ever shrinking WLS SUPER HERO
-29 pounds & -29 total body inches

Nothing is gonna stop you. When that little devil rears his ugly head, you speak to him. Tell him to get away and that you WILL have the surgery, and you WILL live a healthy, slim life.
Sooner or later you will. 1. convience yourself and 2. run him off for good on that subject.
For every one negative thought you have about WLS, you speak ALOUD 2 positive thoughts.
For instance if "he" says you will not have the surgery, something will happen and you wont get it. That is 2, so you say ALOUD
1.. I am having WLS
2. I am going to be healthy
3. I am going to be thin
4. I am going to be happy.
I will be praying for you. Get control of your mind. Get control of your thoughts, remember your mind and your thoughts and the devil is under dominion of you. Take control like you did of your life when you decided to have this surgery.
Thanks to all of you on here and my Bible, and GOD I am doing much better since Sunday night when I had my mini breakdown. I think that it's just that I've tried so many times to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF and eventually failed that I'm scared to be too happy and hopeful for the future. Then I read everything in the Bible I could find relating to Patience, Faith, Hope, Prayer and it....and "swoosh".God gave me reassurance, and he gave me friends in this support group to talk to me and get my mind straight.
Thanks to all of you for being there for me (there may be more times of crisis to come, lol)