Hey gang,
I know this is going to startle ya'll. It surely startled me. I got my bill for my pulmonary study!!!! Here goes:
1 blood gases, arterial.......................... $144.00
1 Multiple Breath N2 Washout................ $ 61.00
1 Carbon Monoxide Diffusing CAPA.......... $210.00
1 Spirometry...................................... $178.00
1 Arterial Puncture-LT...........................$ 27.00
CHAMPUS PAYMENT (Tricare)................-$102.44
PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT...................$517.66
DUE BY.............................................5/15/04
Now bear in mind, DH had cancer so we have met our catostropic cap for the year (back in January) so we don't pay co-pays anymore this year, and Tricare leaves us responsible for 20% of the medical bills. Help me with my math here, she, who has a bachelors in Mathematics, says. I think Tricare may have paid the 20% and left me with the 80%!!!!
Monday, I am going to call the billing department, and beg!!!!I will tell them my life history and beg some more. Usually, if a place takes Tricare, and Tricare doesn't cover the whole bill, they will write it off. I will try that route, too!!! If all else fails, I will ask for a payment plan, but I am terrified that I'll have to have it paid before surgery is done. My DH told me to tell them to send it through Tricare again!!!! I haven't gotten my statement from Tricare yet concerning this visit.
Ok, breath in, breath out.....it's gonna be okay.
Smoochies and weak hugs 

Oh wow Arlies! Girl, that total is scary....especially to me because my insurance won't pay anything and I"m using Voc Rehab (who won't pay for anything pre-op) which means that I'm going to be responsible for the
ENTIRE bill!! OH NO....can you say "take out a major loan"? I was already scared about the cost of the sleep study since it invovles spending the night in the hospital!