I have recently started an online/live
event group on yahoo and I am inviting people in the Central MS area to join...
I have recently visited some support groups. While these groups were great in their own way they just didn't give me what I was looking for. Not pointing fingers at any other group or saying that this would be the best group for everybody. Just that I would like to try something new. This surgery while it has been around for a while seems to be so new to the person that has exsperienced it and now, on the other side of the spectrum, getting out of the hospital, We have a lot of questions. if your anything like me you have a lot of questions, concerns and most of all STRESS about things that happen, things that you can and can't do, things that you should and shouldn't know ect... Well I went to 2 different live groups that I really liked and you know what these consisted of? Sitting around in a circle discussion with others that have went before me. and I felt sooooo much better after I attended. It feels good to talk to your own people huh? I hope you like the group and I really hope we can get some events together.
I would really like to see this group focus more on talking to each other in an atmosphere that is more friendly than structured, More comfortable than something you dread doing, something more fun than boring. and definatly something that is more informative that makes you feel more comfortable about what you have done or are about to do.
I hope you decide to join and I hope you enjoy the group.
to join
or e-mail
[email protected]
(you must have your location populated on your yahoo profile to have your membership approved)
David Hales
Surgery Date 12/31/03
Weight loss 115 LBS